st. romuald

St. Romuald: 11 Reflective Aspects about His Life

St. Romuald: 11 Reflective Aspects about His Life

Who is St. Romuald?

St. Romuald is a beloved saint in the Catholic Church, renowned for his spiritual wisdom, humility, and devotion to God. Born in Ravenna, Italy, in the 10th century, St. Romuald was raised in a wealthy and privileged family. He was extremely upset by the corruption and materialism he observed in the world, despite his affluent upbringing. In his search for a deeper meaning in life, he turned to the church and eventually became a monk.(NewAdvent)

St. Romuald is best known for founding the Camaldolese monastic order, which combined elements of both the eremitic and cenobitic monastic traditions. This order emphasized the importance of solitude, prayer, and meditation, and quickly gained a reputation for its spiritual rigor and austere lifestyle. St. Romuald’s teachings emphasized the importance of silence, self-discipline, and contemplation, which he captured in his famous book, the “Rule of St. Romuald.” (Wikipedia)

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St. Romuald

Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, including persecution and exile, St. Romuald remained steadfast in his faith and continued to inspire others with his teachings and example. He was known for his profound spiritual wisdom, as well as his humility and gentle demeanor. One of the most well-known legends about St. Romuald involves his encounter with a hermit who had been living alone in the wilderness for many years. The hermit, who had never spoken to another person, was initially hostile towards Romuald. However, after seeing the saint’s humble and gentle demeanor, he opened up and shared his spiritual insights with him.

What is the legend behind saint Romuald?

According to the legend, St. Romuald was once visited by an angel who showed him a vision of the Last Judgment. In this vision, he saw the souls of the damned being cast into hell, while the souls of the righteous ascended to heaven. This experience deepened St. Romuald’s faith and inspired him to redouble his efforts to serve God and to help others. (Catholic News Agency)

What is the rule of St Romuald?

The Rule of St. Romuald is a set of guidelines for monastic life that was written by St. Romuald himself. The Rule is based on the earlier Rule of St. Benedict, but with some modifications to reflect St. Romuald’s own spiritual insights and experiences. One of the key features of the Rule of St. Romuald is its emphasis on solitude and contemplation. Monks who follow this rule are encouraged to spend long periods of time in silence and prayer, reflecting on the mysteries of the faith and seeking a deeper understanding of God’s will.

In addition to its emphasis on contemplation, the Rule of St. Romuald also stresses the importance of self-discipline and self-denial. Monks who follow this rule are expected to live simple and austere lives, renouncing material possessions and worldly pleasures in order to focus their minds and hearts on God. They are also expected to obey their superiors and to show respect and kindness to one another, cultivating a spirit of humility and service.

How did St. Romuald die?

St. Romuald died in the year 1027 AD, at the age of 76. According to tradition, he died while kneeling in prayer before the altar of his monastery in Camaldoli, Italy. His death was seen as a testament to his profound faith and his dedication to a life of prayer and service to God. In the years following his death, St. Romuald’s reputation as a holy man continued to grow, and he was eventually canonized by the Catholic Church.

Where are the relics of St. Romuald?

The relics of St. Romuald are currently located in several different places around the world. His skull is preserved in the Basilica of San Salvatore in Camaldoli, Italy, where he founded his first monastery. Other relics, including his bones and other body parts, are located in various churches and monasteries throughout Italy, as well as in Spain, Portugal, and other countries.

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St. Romuald

How would I take a pilgrimage to see St. Romuald?

For those who wish to make a pilgrimage to see St. Romuald’s relics, there are several options available. The Basilica of San Salvatore in Camaldoli is a popular destination for pilgrims, as is the Monastery of Fonte Avellana, which was also founded by St. Romuald. Other churches and monasteries throughout Italy and Europe also have relics of St. Romuald that can be visited and venerated.

The Basilica of San Salvator in Camaldoli is only 1.5 hours drive from Florence which is incredible to see. I’ve comprised a day trip for you there. You can read about it HERE. You can also click on the photo below.


Preparing to go on a pilgrimage to visit the Basilica of San Salvatore in Camaldoli, Italy, where the skull of St. Romuald is located, can be a deeply spiritual and enriching experience.It is crucial to take the time to emotionally and physically prepare for such a journey before starting.

First and foremost, it is important to research and plan the trip carefully. This includes arranging travel and accommodations, obtaining any necessary visas or permits, and mapping out a detailed itinerary of the pilgrimage. It is also a good idea to research the history of St. Romuald and the significance of the Basilica of San Salvatore in order to deepen one’s understanding of the saint and his legacy.

In addition to these practical preparations, it is also important to prepare oneself spiritually. This may involve spending time in prayer and meditation, attending mass or other religious services, and seeking guidance from a spiritual advisor or mentor. It is also a good idea to read the writings of St. Romuald and to reflect on his teachings in order to better understand his spiritual legacy.

Finally, it is important to approach the pilgrimage with an open and humble heart, ready to receive the blessings and graces that may come from encountering the relics of St. Romuald. This may involve fasting or engaging in other spiritual disciplines in order to cultivate a deeper sense of reverence and respect for the saint and his legacy.

In all of these preparations, it is important to remember that the pilgrimage to see St. Romuald is not simply a tourist trip, but a deeply spiritual and meaningful experience. By taking the time to prepare oneself both physically and spiritually, one can fully immerse oneself in the history and legacy of the saint and open oneself up to the transformative power of the pilgrimage.

When was St Romuald canonized?

St. Romuald, the founder of the Camaldolese Order, was canonized on February 7th, 1595, by Pope Clement VIII. This was a great honor for St. Romuald, as it recognized his sanctity and the immense impact that his teachings and spiritual legacy had on the Church.

As a patron saint, St. Romuald is known for his deep commitment to contemplative prayer and his unwavering dedication to the monastic life. He is a model of spiritual discipline and a guide for those seeking to deepen their relationship with God through prayer and meditation. In addition, he is renowned for his humility, sympathy for the underprivileged, and unshakable dedication to the ideals of justice and peace.

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st. romuald

St. Romuald is particularly revered by those in the Camaldolese Order, as well as by those who are drawn to the contemplative life and the monastic tradition. He is also considered a patron saint of recluses and hermits, and is often invoked by those seeking guidance in the spiritual life. His feast day is celebrated on June 19th, and is a time to reflect on the deep spiritual legacy that he left behind, as well as to seek his intercession and guidance in our own spiritual journeys.

When is the feast of St Romuald?

The feast day of St. Romuald is celebrated on June 19th every year, and it is a time for people around the world to honor the memory and legacy of this great saint.

In many parts of the world, people celebrate the feast day of St. Romuald by attending mass or other religious services, praying for his intercession, and reflecting on his teachings and spiritual legacy. It is a time to deepen one’s commitment to the contemplative life and to seek guidance from St. Romuald in the pursuit of a more meaningful and fulfilling spiritual journey.

In some places, the feast day of St. Romuald is celebrated with processions, parades, and other public celebrations. There might be musical performances, dancing performances, and other cultural events in addition to food and drink that can be shared with other members of the neighborhood. These celebrations are a way to bring people together in a spirit of joy and celebration, and to honor the great legacy of St. Romuald in a meaningful and memorable way.

Overall, the feast day of St. Romuald is a time to celebrate the enduring legacy of this great saint and to renew one’s commitment to the contemplative life and the principles of justice, compassion, and peace. Whether through prayer, reflection, or celebration, it is a time to honor the life and teachings of St. Romuald and to seek his intercession and guidance in our own spiritual journeys.

St. Romuald can serve as an inspiration and guide on the path towards sainthood, but it is ultimately up to each individual to make the journey themselves.

How can St. Romuald make me Saint?

To become a saint like St. Romuald, you must first cultivate a deep and abiding love for God. This means making prayer, scripture reading, and participation in the sacraments a regular part of your life. You must also seek to live a life of virtue, imitating the example of Christ and the saints who have gone before you.

St. Romuald’s example can also teach us the importance of detachment from worldly things. By renouncing material possessions and focusing on the eternal truths of the faith, we can draw closer to God and become more like him. This detachment can be difficult, but with St. Romuald’s intercession and guidance, you can learn to let go of the things that hold you back and embrace the life of the spirit.

St. Romuald can help you become a saint by showing you the way of humility, detachment, and self-discipline. By following his example and seeking his intercession, you can grow in holiness and draw closer to God.

St. Romuald’s life and teachings provide a model of deep commitment to prayer, contemplation, and spiritual discipline. His unwavering dedication to the monastic life and his compassion for the poor and the marginalized serve as an example of the kind of selflessness and humility that is necessary for the journey towards sainthood.

By studying and meditating on St. Romuald’s life and teachings, we can gain valuable insight into the spiritual disciplines and practices that are necessary for a life of deep devotion and service to God. We can also seek his intercession and guidance in our own spiritual journeys, asking for his help in overcoming the challenges and obstacles that we may face along the way.

Ultimately, however, it is up to each individual to cultivate the virtues and qualities that are necessary for sainthood. By following in the footsteps of St. Romuald and other saints, we can deepen our relationship with God and our commitment to the principles of justice, compassion, and peace. Through prayer, contemplation, and selfless service to others, we can work towards the ultimate goal of becoming a saint ourselves. And in this way, St. Romuald can serve as a powerful inspiration and guide on our spiritual journey.

What is a prayer to St. Romuald that I can pray?

Let me share with you a prayer to this great saint, which I hope will bring you comfort and inspiration in your spiritual journey.

Dear St. Romuald, holy monk and hermit, you who lived a life of profound humility, detachment, and penance, we turn to you in prayer today, seeking your intercession and guidance.

You who knew the value of solitude and silence, teach us to quiet our hearts and minds, so that we may hear the voice of God speaking to us in the depths of our being.

You who renounced material possessions and embraced the life of poverty, help us to let go of the things that hold us back and to focus on the eternal truths of the faith.

You who lived a life of constant prayer and penance, intercede for us before the throne of God, that we may be strengthened in our spiritual struggles and grow in holiness day by day.

Dear St. Romuald, we ask that you pray for us, that we may follow your example and become saints in our own right, living lives of profound faith, hope, and charity.


May this prayer to St. Romuald be a source of comfort and inspiration for you as you seek to grow in holiness and draw closer to God.

What is a Novena to St. Romuald that I can use to ask him for his help?

a beautiful way to seek the intercession of this great saint in your spiritual journey. A Novena is a nine-day period of prayer, often used to ask for a particular grace or intention.

Let us begin:

Day 1: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the courage to renounce the things of this world and embrace the life of the spirit, as you did.

Day 2: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the humility to recognize our own weaknesses and the strength to overcome them, with God’s grace.

Day 3: Dear St. Romuald, we beg you to intercede on our behalf so that we may have the fortitude to trust God even in the face of adversity.

Day 4: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the wisdom to discern God’s will for our lives and the courage to follow it.

Day 5: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the generosity to love others as God loves us, putting their needs before our own.

Day 6: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the patience to wait for God’s timing in all things, trusting in his providence and mercy.

Day 7: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may have the faith to believe in the power of prayer and the hope to trust in God’s goodness and love.

Day 8: Dear St. Romuald, we beg you to intercede on our behalf so that we may experience the peace that comes from submitting to God’s will and the joy that comes from being aware of his presence in our lives.

Day 9: Dear St. Romuald, we ask you to pray for us, that we may be united with you and all the saints in heaven, praising God forever and ever.


May this Novena to St. Romuald bring you closer to God and deepen your relationship with this holy saint.

In conclusion, St. Romuald was a visionary spiritual leader whose example of devotion, humility, and wisdom continues to inspire people of all faiths around the world. His legacy as the founder of the Camaldolese monastic order and his teachings on the importance of silence, self-discipline, and contemplation have had a profound impact on the history of the church. The legend of his encounter with the hermit and his vision of the Last Judgment serve as powerful reminders of the importance of humility, kindness, and service in our own lives.

Are You Inspired?

Did the things you learned today inspire you? I genuinely take pleasure in studying and discussing the lives of the saints.

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With these tees, it’s easier to talk about saints with close friends, family members, and complete strangers you meet on the street. You can now share the life of St. Romuald when someone notices your shirt or asks about it.

Also, you can invite them to church and tell them about the gospel. You can explain the idea that everyone needs a savior and that Jesus is the blood sacrifice who came to atone for our sins and how we all need Him as our Savior.

Even better, you may extend an invitation by enrolling them in the RCIA classes your parish is offering.

I’ll be praying for you on this one!

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st. romuald
st. romuald

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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