st apollonia prayer

3 Wonderful St Apollonia Prayer Ideas & History of Her Life

3 Wonderful St Apollonia Prayer Ideas & History of Her Life

This St Apollonia Prayer can change your life. Asking this powerful and courageous saint is a mighty tool for your prayer arsenal that will help you tremendously.

For those looking to say a prayer to Saint Apollonia, there are many different options available. One popular prayer is as follows:

“St Apollonia, pray for me. I beg for your support and direction as I navigate life’s obstacles, and I beg for your intercession while I battle mental, emotional, and spiritual anguish. Please help me to find strength, courage, and faith in the face of adversity, and guide me on the path towards eternal life. Amen.”

st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

As a symbol of strength, faith, and perseverance, Saint Apollonia is revered by many in the Catholic Church. Her story is one of bravery and unwavering devotion to God, making her a beloved figure in the Christian faith. In this article, we’ll explore the life of Saint Apollonia, her patronage, and how to make a pilgrimage to see her relics.

I hope you enjoyed this St Apollonia prayer. Keep reading because I’ve included more St Apollonia prayer ideas below…

What is the Saint Apollonia story?

Before you do a St Apollonia prayer or encourage others to seek her intercession, it’s great to know all about her life so that you’re even more inspired.

Saint Apollonia was born in Alexandria, Egypt, during the third century AD. She was a devout Christian who lived during a time of great persecution against Christians. The Roman Emperor, Decius, had ordered that all Christians be arrested and executed if they refused to renounce their faith.

Despite the danger, Apollonia refused to renounce her Christian beliefs. She was captured by the Roman authorities, who subjected her to torture in an effort to force her to abandon her faith. However, Apollonia remained steadfast, and instead of renouncing her beliefs, she chose to sacrifice her own life for her faith.

Know that when you do your St Apollonia prayer, she will be steadfast in interceding on your behalf.

How did Saint Apollonia die?

It’s her death that mad St Apollonia so famous. So, when you do your St Apollonia prayer in a request for dental healing, here’s why.

After being subjected to various forms of torture, including having all of her teeth knocked out, Saint Apollonia was given the option to either renounce her faith or be burned alive. She chose the latter and was martyred by the Roman authorities.

The Bible says that

“The prayers of the righteous availeth much.” – James 5:16

So, know that when you pray your St Apollonia prayer, the intercession you will receive from St Apollonia is very powerful because she proved to Christ that she loved Him so much that she was willing to be tortured and die for Him.

“There is no greater love than for one to lay his life down for his friend.”

John 15:13

Where are the relics of St. Apollonia?

Praying a St Apollonia prayer wouldn’t be complete without knowing where St Apollonia’s relics are. You can actually see one of the teeth that was pulled from her mouth!

The relics of Saint Apollonia are located in various places around the world. One of the most well-known reliquaries is located in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, Italy. The reliquary is located in a side chapel of the basilica and is open for public veneration. Another reliquary can be found in the church of Sant’Apollonia in Florence, Italy.

st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

How can I make a pilgrimage to see St. Apollonia?

Along with your praying your St Apollonia prayer, if you’re interested in making a pilgrimage to see Saint Apollonia’s relics, there are a few options available to you. One of the most popular destinations is the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, where you can visit the reliquary and say a St Apollonia prayer. You can also visit the church of Sant’Apollonia in Florence, which houses another reliquary of the saint.

If you’re looking to deepen your faith and explore the rich history of the Catholic Church, a visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome or the church of Sant’Apollonia in Florence is a must. Both of these beautiful churches are home to relics of Saint Apollonia, the patron saint of dentistry and a beloved figure in the Catholic tradition.

The Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of the oldest churches in Rome, with a history that dates back over a thousand years. It is a stunning example of early Christian architecture, with intricate mosaics, frescoes, and marble columns that testify to the skill and creativity of the artists who created them. In this majestic space, you’ll find the reliquary containing Saint Apollonia’s teeth, a powerful reminder of her faith and sacrifice.

Meanwhile, the church of Sant’Apollonia in Florence is a smaller, more intimate space that is no less impressive. This church, located in the heart of the city’s historic area, is home to an amazing collection of works of art and architecturally stunning structures that are sure to move and inspire you. Here, you can see the reliquary containing another set of Saint Apollonia’s teeth, as well as other important artifacts and religious items.

I love traveling and making a pilgrimage makes traveling that much more fascinating. I found a cool day trip in Florence that you can enjoy making your travels even better! You can check it out HERE.

Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy

Visiting these churches is not just a chance to see beautiful art and architecture, but also an opportunity to deepen your faith and connect with the long and rich history of the Catholic Church. Whether you’re a lifelong Catholic or simply curious about the faith, a visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere or the church of Sant’Apollonia in Florence is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul. So why not plan a visit today and experience the wonder and beauty of these incredible spaces for yourself?

In addition, there are many other places around the world where Saint Apollonia is venerated and many faithful enjoy a St Apollonia prayer, including churches and shrines in the United States, Canada, and other countries. Many Catholic pilgrims make a point to visit these holy sites in order to seek the intercession of Saint Apollonia and ask for her help and guidance.

st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

What is Santa Apollonia Florence like?

Santa Apollonia Florence is a beautiful church located in Florence, Italy, that is an amazing place to travel, meditate on Saint Apollonia and do a St Apollonia prayer. The church is named after St. Apollonia and was built in the 13th century. It is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, and it is known for its stunning architecture and beautiful artwork. Visitors to Santa Apollonia Florence can admire the church’s beautiful stained glass windows, intricate frescoes, and ornate altars.

If you’re planning a trip to Florence, be sure to take some time to visit the church of Sant’Apollonia. This beautiful church, located in the heart of the city’s historic center, is a must-see for anyone interested in the rich history and culture of Catholicism.

The church of Sant’Apollonia is a stunning example of Florentine Renaissance architecture where many believers have done a St Apollonia prayer. It has a façade that is both grand and inviting. Once you step inside, you’ll be struck by the beauty of the nave, which features a stunning barrel-vaulted ceiling adorned with frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Saint Apollonia which is a perfect place to pray a St Apollonia prayer.

The church also boasts a number of other beautiful artworks, including a stunning altarpiece by the renowned painter Andrea del Sarto. But perhaps the most special aspect of Sant’Apollonia is its connection to the Catholic tradition and the story of Saint Apollonia herself.

As the patron saint of dentistry, Saint Apollonia is a beloved figure in the Catholic Church, known for her faith and courage in the face of persecution. Her relics, which include a set of teeth that were famously knocked out during her martyrdom, are housed in the church’s reliquary and are a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of the Catholic faith.

But Sant’Apollonia is more than just a repository for religious artifacts. It is a living, breathing space where Catholics can come to pray a St Apollonia prayer and much more like reflect, and deepen their connection to their faith. Whether you’re a lifelong Catholic or simply curious about the religion, a visit to Sant’Apollonia is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul. So why not plan a visit today and experience the beauty and power of this incredible space for yourself?

What is there to do in Piazza Santa Apollonia Roma?

A perfect spot to pray a St Apollonia prayer is the Piazza Santa Apollonia Roma is a charming square located in the heart of Rome and an excellent place to do a St Apollonia prayer. The square is home to a beautiful church named after St. Apollonia, as well as several restaurants, cafes, and shops. Visitors to the square can take a stroll around the area, admiring the beautiful architecture and soaking up the local culture. There are also several historic sites nearby that visitors can explore, including the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and the Colosseum.

it’s just a short walk from the city’s bustling historic center. Even though it might be a little off the beaten path, there are plenty of sights and things to do in this quaint little section of the city.

Piazza Santa Apollonia is the beautiful church of Santa Apollonia, which dates back to the 9th century and is dedicated to the patron saint of dentistry. The church’s simple yet elegant façade and lovely interior make it well worth a visit for anyone interested in religious history or architecture.

But there’s more to the square than just the church. Another option for visitors is to take a leisurely stroll around the serene gardens, explore the vibrant market, or simply unwind at one of the many outdoor cafes and eateries that line the plaza.

For those who are interested in history, Piazza Santa Apollonia also offers plenty of opportunities to explore the city’s past. Many old Roman relics can be found in the plaza, including the remnants of an aqueduct that formerly brought water to the city. The neighboring Museum of Roman Culture also provides an intriguing look into the daily lives of the Romans in antiquity.

But perhaps the best thing about Piazza Santa Apollonia is the warm and welcoming atmosphere that pervades the entire area. This quaint little area of the city will make you feel right at home, whether you’re an experienced tourist or a first-time visitor to Rome. So why not come and explore Piazza Santa Apollonia for yourself and discover all the wonderful things that this delightful square has to offer while you prayer your St Apollonia prayer?

What is St. Apollonia patron saint of?

As you pray your St Apollonia prayer, you can now know that Saint Apollonia is the patron saint of dental health and those suffering from a toothache, as well as against fires and other disasters.  When saying your St Apollonia prayer, remember that her association with dental health comes from the fact that she had all of her teeth knocked out during her torture. She is also sometimes invoked by those who suffer from other types of physical pain, as well as those who are going through emotional or spiritual struggles.

st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

What is the feast day of St. Apollonia?

Many people who do a St Apollonia prayer enjoy celebrating the feast day of Saint Apollonia. It is celebrated on February 9th each year. It is a day to honor her life, faith, and martyrdom. In many parts of the world, this day is celebrated with special masses, prayers, and devotions.

In Rome, where Saint Apollonia’s relics are located, the day is marked by a special mass at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere. During the mass, the reliquary containing Saint Apollonia’s teeth is carried in procession through the streets of Rome.

In Florence, where another reliquary of Saint Apollonia is located, the day is celebrated with a special mass at the church of Sant’Apollonia. The reliquary is displayed for public veneration, and the faithful gather to pray and seek the intercession of Saint Apollonia by praying your newly discovered St Apollonia Prayer ideas.

In other parts of the world, such as the Philippines, Saint Apollonia’s feast day is celebrated with processions, prayers, and other devotions. Many Catholics also offer special intentions or petitions to Saint Apollonia on her feast day, asking for her intercession in their lives.

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I’ll be praying for you on this one!

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st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

What is the St. Apollonia dental prayer?

The St. Apollonia prayer for dental issues is a prayer that is said by many people who suffer from dental problems or are undergoing dental procedures. The prayer asks St. Apollonia to intercede on behalf of the person, to ease their pain and discomfort, and to give them the strength to endure their suffering. The prayer is a powerful reminder of St. Apollonia’s strength and courage in the face of adversity, and it is a source of comfort and hope for many people. (Access Family Dental)

How to Pray a St Apollonia Prayer as a Novena

In order to pray a St Apollonia Prayer as a Novena, you can follow this novena example below.

“Oh dear St. Apollonia,

I come before you with a humble heart and a sincere desire to seek your intercession. You, who have suffered so much in your life, yet remained steadfast in your faith and devotion to our Lord, are a shining example of courage and strength.

I ask you, dear St. Apollonia, to pray for me and for all those who are suffering from any kind of dental or oral pain. As the patron saint of dentists and dental patients, you know the agony and discomfort that come with such ailments. Please intercede on our behalf and ask the Lord to ease our pain and grant us healing.

But more than just physical healing, I pray that you may also intercede for us to receive spiritual healing. Help us to find comfort and peace in our suffering, knowing that it is through our trials that we can grow closer to God.

May your example of unwavering faith and devotion inspire us to persevere in our own struggles, and may your prayers help us to always keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, who is our ultimate source of strength and consolation.

Thank you, dear St. Apollonia, for your loving care and powerful intercession. We entrust ourselves to your patronage and ask for your continued prayers until we reach the fullness of joy in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.”

Pray this prayer for 9 consecutive days to complete your St Apollonia Prayer Novena. (

Where to buy a small statue of St. Apollonia?

If you’re looking to buy a small statue of St. Apollonia for your St Apollonia Prayer time, there are several options available. Many Catholic gift shops and online retailers offer a variety of St. Apollonia statues and figurines, ranging from small and simple to larger and more elaborate. It’s important to research the seller and the quality of the statue before making a purchase, to ensure that you are getting a product that meets your needs and expectations.

As I researched, I found this lovely statue of her holding the tongs that removed her teeth from I’ve included the link for you HERE.


st apollonia prayer
st apollonia prayer

How can Saint Apollonia help me to become a saint?

Saint Apollonia is a powerful intercessor, and her life and martyrdom offer valuable lessons for those seeking to become saints themselves. One way that Saint Apollonia can help us on our journey towards sainthood is by inspiring us to remain steadfast in our faith, even in the face of adversity.

Like Saint Apollonia, we may face challenges and hardships in our lives that test our faith and commitment to God. However, by following Saint Apollonia’s example and remaining firm in our beliefs, we can grow closer to God and deepen our spiritual lives.

Saint Apollonia can also help us to cultivate virtues such as courage, perseverance, and humility. These virtues are essential for any person seeking to become a saint, as they help us to live a life of service to God and others.

Saying these St Apollonia prayers is a great place to start!

Furthermore, by seeking Saint Apollonia’s intercession, we can ask for her help and guidance as we strive to become better Christians. Saint Apollonia’s prayers can strengthen us in times of temptation, comfort us in times of sorrow, and inspire us to live lives of holiness and virtue.

In conclusion, Saint Apollonia is a beloved saint whose life and martyrdom offer valuable lessons and inspiration for Catholics around the world. Her feast day is a time for us to honor her legacy and seek her intercession, as well as reflect on our own journeys towards sainthood. By following Saint Apollonia’s example, saying a St Apollonia prayer, and seeking her help and guidance, we can grow in our faith and become better Christians.

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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