5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

Discover the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower That Will Transform Your Prayer Life

Discover the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower That Will Transform Your Prayer Life

Are you here to discover the 5 day novena to st therese the little flower? I’m so happy for you to learn more about the beautiful 5 day novena to St Therese the Little Flower. Therese of Lisieux is one of my very favorite saints! She lived such a humble yet completely devoted life, and she’s inspired millions through her “Little Way” of spiritual childhood and love.

I pray Therese’s 5 day novena often to ask for her heavenly intercession. Taking time over 5 days to offer heartfelt prayers and meditations draws me nearer to Therese and Jesus. If you want to begin praying this grace-filled 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower too, I’m excited to share every lovely detail with you! In this post, we’ll explore:

  • What is the 5 day novena to St Therese the Little Flower?
  • When do you pray the 5 day novena to St Therese?
  • What are the prayers in the 5 day novena to St Therese?
  • What is the origin of the 5 day novena to St Therese?
  • How do you pray the 5 day novena to St Therese?
  • What intentions should you pray for?
  • Where to find the 5 day novena to St Therese prayers
  • And more about this powerful devotion!

So cozy up with your favorite hot drink, open your heart in prayer, and let’s deep-dive into the beauty of the 5 day novena to St Therese!

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

What is the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

In the Catholic tradition, a novena is an ancient and beloved form of devotional prayer typically stretched over 9 days. Novenas allow for meditative, repetitive prayer focused on a specific saint or intention. Praying in this way powerfully connects us to the saint’s heavenly intercession.

Therese of Lisieux, affectionately known as “the Little Flower,” has a very special novena devotion associated with her. The 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower is shorter than a typical 9 day novena, making the prayers more accessible for busy schedules.

This novena focuses on invoking the Little Flower’s aid through heartfelt prayer and meditation on her example. Over 5 days, we make the same petitions and recite the same prayers to immerse fully in Therese’s saintly presence. The intentions and words of the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower to bless and guide us on our faith journeys, just as she inspires us by her holy life.

Praying the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower allows her luminous “Little Way” spirituality to uplift and transform our hearts. We come to see life through Therese’s childlike trust and love. This novena enables the Little Flower to powerfully intercede as our heavenly friend.

When do you pray the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

The 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower is traditionally prayed in preparation for her feast day, October 1st. Many devotees begin the novena prayers on September 27th and continue the meditations until October 1st. However, Therese’s novena can be prayed at any time we wish to implore her intercession or grow closer to her spirituality!

It is often recommended to pray the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower leading up to special intentions or occasions when we desire Therese’s saintly guidance and aid. For example, many prayerfully make this novena when faced with important decisions, significant life changes, hardship, or loss. Therese’s understanding heart reaches out through her novena to comfort us in difficult times.

This 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower also fittingly starts spiritual preparation for baptisms, weddings, vocational steps, moves, educational pursuits – anything! Therese supports all hidden, small efforts to shower God’s love. She knows seemingly mundane duties done with great love transform the world. So we can pray Therese’s novena for any intention, and trust she smiles on our “little way.”

But truly anytime we wish to walk more closely with “the greatest saint of modern times,” we can pick up the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower and experience her sisterly guidance. Praying this novena enables Therese to unceasingly intercede as our faithful heavenly friend.

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

What are the prayers in the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

The 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower features reflections and prayers focused around specific themes for each day. Here are the novena prayers:

Day 1 Prayer – Humbleness
Litany of Humility & Prayer for Humility

Day 2 Prayer – Simplicity
Litany of Simplicity & Prayer for Simplicity

Day 3 Prayer – Charity
Prayer to St Therese for Charity & Litany of Charity

Day 4 Prayer – Courage
Prayer to St Therese for Courage & Litany of Courage

Day 5 Prayer – Childlike Confidence
Prayer to the Little Flower & Litany of Confidence

Throughout the novena, we also recite the:
– Novena Opening Prayer
– Prayer for Canonization of St Therese
– Memorare to St Therese
– St Therese Novena Prayer
– Litany of St Therese

Plus, each day features a spiritual reading from Therese’s writings to reflect upon. The themes of the prayers and readings encourage us to emulate her “Little Way” in our own lives.

Therese transforms hearts by teaching us to pursue holiness through small, humble acts of love. This simple yet incredibly profound 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower allows St Therese to lift and guide our souls. The selected prayers and passages stir the deep desire to walk her “Little Way!”

What is the origin of the 5 day novena to St Therese?

Like many impactful Catholic devotions, the origins of the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower arose from the grassroots piety of the faithful, rather than the official Church hierarchy. Throughout the early 1900s, devotees increasingly sought St Therese’s intercession in their lives. Therese’s autobiography “The Story of a Soul” spread rapidly after its publication in 1898, touching the lives of millions with her “Little Way” spirituality.

Catholics everywhere cultivated deep spiritual relationships with “the Little Flower,” inspired by her simplicity, confidence in God’s love, and devotion to small sacrifices. Many began praying novenas petitioning her aid and adopting her virtues. Various Novena booklets circulated with prayers, litanies, and passages from Therese’s writings.

Eventually, Therese’s novenas were condensed to a more accessible and focused format of 5 days rather than 9. The Little Flower seemed to pull devotees even closer through this intimate, shorter novena duration. Its prayers and structure concisely distilled the essence of her “Little Way” wisdom.

This treasured 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower devotion organically arose through the hands of Therese’s impassioned disciples. Grassroots love for the Little Saint converged beautifully into the novena we pray for today. More than a century later, may we join fellow devotees in carrying the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower’s light through the generations to come!

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

How do you pray the 5 day novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

Once you have the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower prayers printed or pulled up, praying Therese’s novena is very straightforward! Here are some tips:

– Set aside 5 consecutive days to pray the novena undistracted. Many devotees begin on September 27th leading to her October 1st feast.

– Find a quiet, comfortable space to foster inner stillness and attention.

– Begin each day with the novena’s Opening Prayer to invite Therese and God into your heart.

– Read the short spiritual passage slowly and reflectively. Let the words dwell inside you.

– Recite the novena day’s prayers and litany with sincerity. Speak to Therese as your close friend.

– Offer the Memorare and St Therese Novena Prayers to seal your intentions in her care.

– Close by thanking God and St Therese in your own words for their love and company.

Try to pray around the same time each day to set a steady novena rhythm. Some devotees enjoy praying the novena together with loved ones or virtually with online groups. This communal union in spirit with other devotees magnifies the novena’s graces.

Above all, approach Therese’s novena with an open, childlike heart. She will teach you to find joy and grace in all life’s moments!

What intentions and petitions should I pray for in the 5 day novena to St Therese?

The beauty of this 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower is that ANY intention, need, or prayer can be brought to sweet St Therese! She knows our earthly journeys hold endless opportunities for grace, growth, and greater love. Therese smiles upon each effort to pour out more kindness – nothing done in sincerity escapes her notice.

Many devotees implore Therese’s aid surrounding themes of her “Little Way” spirituality:

– Prayers for deeper humility, simplicity, charity, courage, and childlike trust in God’s love.

– Requests to follow her path of doing small things with great love.

– Petitions to embrace spiritual childhood and littleness.

But truly any intention can be lifted to Therese in this novena:

– Healing for illness – mental, emotional, physical. Therese understands human pain.

– Help discerning life decisions or changes. Therese guides unseen steps.

– Comfort in grief, loss, doubt, anxiety, or inner wounds. Therese binds hearts.

– Strength facing trials. The Little Flower knows hardship’s redeeming value.

– Forgiveness, reconciliation, or love for those difficult to love. Therese loves all people.

– Deeper conversion, spiritual growth, freedom from sin. Therese nurtures the soul.

Entrust everything to your spiritual sister Therese! She aids us with a kindred heart – not as a distant saint, but as a friend holding our hand before God’s throne. Lift all intentions, big and small, into this novena. Therese embraces each one with great joy!

Where can I find the 5 day novena to St Therese the Little Flower prayers?

The good news is teh 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower prayers are easy to find! Here are some options:

– Printed novena prayer booklets can be purchased online from Catholic shops like Leaflet Missal or The Catholic Company. These contain the full novena text and are lovely keepsake items.

– Many Catholic sites like EWTN, Catholic Company, and PrayMoreNovenas.com have the 5 day novena prayers available for free online. You can simply print or display the pages to pray.

– Catholic blogs and websites frequently post the prayers as well, since this novena is so beloved. Sites like Catholic Icing, Veils by Lily, and Catholic All Year are great resources.

– Catholic apps like Laudate and iMissal contain sections with the 5 day novena ready for digital prayer on the go!

– Churches, schools, and Catholic organizations often have copies to distribute, especially around St Therese’s October feast. Ask if they can provide one!

I suggest finding a version with plain, easy-to-read text formatting. This makes entering into meditative prayer with beautiful words much more peaceful. Therese’s novena prayers are ready and waiting to help you draw nearer to Jesus!

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

What is the Opening Prayer in the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

Each novena day begins with the same beautiful Opening Prayer. This invites us into St Therese’s holy presence and sets the reverent tone for the novena prayers to follow:

“Dear Little Therese, in you we have a friend who is able to understand us in life’s difficulties, and who encourages us to offer our small sacrifices to God.

Through your little way, teach us to find happiness in the love of God and others. Pray that we may have the grace to accept God’s will with courage and confidence that all things work for good.

May the Holy Spirit inflame our hearts with the fire of God’s love so that one day we may enjoy the eternal vision of God.

We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.”

Reciting this at the start of each day’s novena reflections centers our hearts in Therese’s gentle care. She knows life’s pains and joys intimately. This prayer asks for grace to walk her “little way” of humility, simplicity, and complete trust in God’s love. Therese longs to guide us as a sister and friend into divine confidence!

What is the Memorare to St Therese in her 5 day novena?

The Memorare is a traditional Catholic prayer invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercession. Therese had deep devotion to Mary, so this beloved prayer is included:

”Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother! To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me.


By including the Memorare, the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower places all intentions in Mary’s merciful hands alongside herself. Therese loved Mary like a Heavenly Mother, so she’s pleased when we also request Our Lady’s nurturing aide during her novena. Their joint care for us overflows!

What is the St Therese Novena Prayer included after the litany?

On each day of the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower, after the litany is recited, we pray:

“O Little Therese, by your lifelong heroic virtues, especially your profound humility, lively faith, blind obedience, unceasing prayer, unquenchable thirst for suffering, and burning love, you have set afire the hearts of many on the path to sanctity. Grant me the graces I need to be sanctified in the state of life to which God has called me.

(Mention your special intentions here)

Help me to know God’s will for my life and to respond to it with trust and courage. Pray that I may grow daily in the Carmelite virtues of detachment from self, constant awareness of God’s presence, contemplation of the divine mysteries, and zealous charity toward all.

Saint Therese, shower upon the Church your heavenly blessings. May we all walk with you along the path of trust and love. Call many souls to Carmel to experience God’s love. Help us to live as you did immersed in God’s redeeming presence.

O Little Therese whom Jesus has made so great, pray for us! Amen.”

In this prayer, we directly call upon St Therese’s assistance in growing in her inspiring Carmelite virtues. Therese is ready to guide us to love God and others with all our might, through daily small sacrifices. Her prayer obtains needed graces!

How can I make a Catholic pilgrimage to see St Therese of Lisieux?

If St Therese has touched your heart, visiting sites connected with her holy life in France is an unforgettable spiritual experience! Here are some tips for arranging a Therese pilgrimage:

  • Decide on dates – late spring through fall offer better weather. Allow 5-7 days to visit key places at a relaxed pace.
  • Research flights/transportation to Paris or Caen as your arrival point. Book early for affordability.
  • Arrange lodging in Lisieux close to the basilica and convent. Other towns like Caen offer budget options.
  • Obtain any needed travel visas/documentation well in advance. Check if a pilgrimage tour package handles this.
  • Create a visiting schedule for the Lisieux basilica, Les Buissonnets house, the Carmel convent, relic sites, and other local Church history.
  • Allow time to experience French culture, beauty, and cuisine! Therese walked these streets too.
  • Prepare spiritually by reading about Therese’s life and praying the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower asking for graces during the pilgrimage.

With planning and spiritual intent, visiting Therese’s home in France promises to deepen your devotion immensely! Walking her path is a joy.

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower – Where St. Therese was born CC

What other saints are there to see in France?

France overflows with saintly shrines and holy history! If visiting Therese, consider seeing these other impactful saints too:

  • St. Joan of Arc: View her relics and sites in Rouen associated with her life and martyrdom.
  • St. Bernadette: Make a pilgrimage to Lourdes where she beheld apparitions of Our Lady.
  • St. Vincent de Paul: Explore Paris sites connected to this patron of charity.
  • St. Catherine Labouré: Visit her incorrupt body and Miraculous Medal shrine in Paris.
  • St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: See Paray-le-Monial associated with her visions of the Sacred Heart.
  • St. John Vianney: Venerate this patron of priests in Ars, where he served.
  • Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin: Therese’s parents, also saints, are buried in Lisieux.

France is woven through with the holiness of its saints! Let a spiritual itinerary take shape organically, guided by the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Our holy brothers and sisters in Christ await in France to lift us heavenward.

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower –  Where St. Therese was baptized. CC

Making travel arrangements to see St Therese of Lisieux

Planning a trip abroad involves many logistics, but keeps the goal of a prayerful pilgrimage in mind. For visiting St Therese of Lisieux, here are some travel tips:

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower – St. Therese’s Childhood Home CC
  • Book flights 3-5 months in advance for lower fares. Flying into Paris allows visiting other French saints easily.
  • Arrange lodging in Lisieux early, ideally with a kitchenette to manage food budgets. Hotels near the basilica fill quickly!
  • Purchase any train/bus tickets between towns ahead of time. Traveling between holy sites is part of the pilgrim journey.
  • Get travel insurance to protect against any last-minute cancellations or issues.
  • Consider joining a guided pilgrimage tour for easier planning – they handle all arrangements.
  • Start applying for passports/visas several months out to allow processing time.
  • Prayerfully choose travel dates and make Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal your patroness for the trip!

With prayerful organization, this spiritual journey will produce abundant graces and blessings. May St Therese lead every pilgrim’s step and heart closer to Christ.

I’ve traveled extensively. Among the nations I’ve traveled to are America, Scotland, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and all of Israel. I’ll be in Turkey very soon.

I am knowledgeable about every aspect of travel. I’ve shared a few simple tools to help you get ready for your vacation.

  1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
  2. A Car Rental
  3. Taxi Drivers
  4. Bus or Train Tickets
  5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
  6. Fun Events for Your Journey
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Phone for Traveling


Time to pack your bags! 🙂

How can the 5 day novena to St Therese help us become saints?

Praying the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower can deepen devotion to St Therese in powerful ways. But this little saint wants most of all to help us become great saints too! Here are some key lessons from the novena for pursuing holiness:

  • Imitate Therese’s deep prayer life and reliance on God’s grace. She models steadfast faith amidst any difficulty.
  • Follow her Little Way of humility, simplicity, and completing small tasks with overflowing love.
  • Develop Therese’s confidence and trust in God as a loving Father who knows all our needs.
  • Ask her intercession for the courage to make sacrifices and selflessly love others.
  • Strive to accept all situations in our lives through spiritual childhood, as Therese did joyfully.
  • Let go of self-importance; pursue littleness and hiddenness as Therese valued.
  • Allow Therese to intercede for complete conversion of heart and detachment from worldliness.

By coming to know and love this powerful saint through her 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower, we come to know and love Christ more. Therese leads every willing heart into a transforming union. Let us run to sainthood with “the greatest saint of modern times!”

How did you personally connect with the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

Personally praying the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower completely transformed my relationship with “the Little Flower!” I was drawn to Therese’s joy and confidence in God’s love, but hadn’t fully embraced her “little way” of holiness through mundane tasks. Reciting those prayers over 5 days immersed me in the beauty of Therese’s spirituality.

Therese showed me how to turn duties into acts of love and prayer. I began to hear her gentle guidance, like a sister whispering “Offer this up for souls,” or “Do this with great love, out of love for God.” Therese’s example encouraged me to pour joy into hidden moments. My intentions flew to Heaven on her prayers during that powerful novena.

Most of all, I learned from the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower that Therese truly understands the struggles of our earthly pilgrimage. She doesn’t judge harshly as a distant saint, but reaches out a loving hand as a spiritual sister and kindred spirit. Therese lifted my heart when I pray these prayers. What gift could be greater than a deepened devotion to “the greatest saint of modern times?”

I hope and pray this little 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower may draw you nearer to the immense love of God as it did for me. Our sister Therese will change your life if you let her! Please share how the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower impacts your faith too – I’d love to hear your experience with our Little Flower.

May God bless you abundantly! Let’s continue walking in the way of love and confidence together.

Are You Inspired?

Did the lessons on the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower today motivate or encourage you in any way? The biographies of saints make for thought-provoking reading and discussion. It’s highly likely to bear spiritual fruit in our life.

They could even consent to come with you to church. Even better, you might be able to introduce them to the Gospel so they can become sinless. Romans 3:23 states that all people have sinned and are short of God’s glory. Consequently, everyone needs a Savior. It should be possible for you to explain this to them.

God made provision for us to become His children by sending His one and only son to fulfill the requirements of the law. Rom. 4:15–16

Jesus had to come to Earth, live a blameless life, and die to make the ultimate atonement for our transgressions. The Bible makes this claim.

They could even consent to go to church with you. Better yet, you might be able to introduce them to the Gospel, which will help them become sinless. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. As a result, everyone needs a Savior. You should be able to explain this to them.

In order to redeem those who were under the law so that we could become His children, God sent His one and only son to live under the law. 4:15–16 in Romans

Jesus had to come to Earth, live a blameless life, and die in order to offer the ultimate atonement for our sins. The Bible says it like this…

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

The narrative was not over when he passed away. No. He regained consciousness! He promises to bring us back to life once we die because He is alive. Sin and death were permanently vanquished by him. Hallelujah!

After sharing this life-saving information with your loved ones, friends, and acquaintances, invite them to RCIA at their local Catholic church.

Through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, family members, friends, and acquaintances can join the Catholic Church and be eligible to receive the Holy Sacraments. Students can learn everything they need to know about our glorious Christian religion and our Compassionate Jesus by participating in RCIA sessions given by their parish.

This is the genuine method of saving a life. I’m wishing for you in this!

Click HERE or on the image to view the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower shirt design. Choose your favorite size and color, then click the BUY NOW button to proceed to the payment page.

For a list of additional prominent saints, go to our website by clicking HERE.

5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower
5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower

Do you have a few more minutes to delve into another saint now that you’ve learnt about the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower?

Why not research:

Have you ever considered revisiting this page every day to learn more about the Saint of the Day after reading the 5 Day Novena to St Therese the Little Flower? If you’d like to receive my daily saint emails in your inbox, kindly take a moment to join up. Since I realize you have a lot on your plate, I’ll keep it brief, but I’ll say more because I want you to take something away from me and continually strive to improve.

You can have a screensaver for your phone from me absolutely free. As soon as you submit the form, I’ll email you a link to download the screensaver.



Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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