when's saint patrick's day

When’s Saint Patrick’s Day? 12 Surprising Facts About Saint Patrick’s Day You Never Knew

When’s Saint Patrick’s Day? 12 Surprising Facts About Saint Patrick’s Day You Never Knew

Are You Inspired?

Did you find inspiration in what you learned today? I honestly enjoy researching and talking about the lives of the saints.

Now, when you’re wondering When’s Saint Patrick’s Day and what to wear, you can wear the great blouse I made for you on the day that we celebrate St Patrick’s Day or when you’re out and about.

These t-shirts make it simpler to discuss saints with close friends, members of your family, and total strangers you meet on the street. Now, if someone comments on your shirt or inquires about it, you can tell them about the heroic story of St Patrick.

You can also extend an invitation to attend church and share the good news with them there. You can have a conversation about how we all need a savior, how Jesus is the sacrificial lamb who came to redeem us from our sins, and how we all need Him as our personal Savior.

To take it a step further, you can invite them to go to RCIA classes offered at your parish so they can learn more about our incredible faith.

I’ll be keeping you in my prayers for this!

To view the shirt design, simply click on the image or click HERE. Once you’ve selected your desired size and color, click the BUY NOW button to proceed to the checkout page.

St. Patrick
St. Patrick

For more great saints, visit our blog HERE.

Have a few more minutes to dive into another saint?

Why not learn about:

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As an added bonus, I will provide you with a complimentary phone screen saver. Once you have completed the form, I will forward you the download link for the new screensaver. Enjoy!


Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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