St Katherine Drexel

10 Inspiring Aspects about St Katherine Drexel & Her life

10 Inspiring Aspects about St Katherine Drexel & Her life

St Katherine Drexel was a wealthy nun who had a deep desire to help Native Americans and African Americans in the late 1800’s. God gave her brains, witt, and compassion which allowed her to do so much for Jesus thoughout her life.

She developed the very first Catholic African American school that is still going strong today.

Here is her story…

St Katherine Drexel
St Katherine Drexel

Who is St Katherine Drexel?

St Katherine Drexel was born into a very wealthy family in Philadelphia in 1858. Her father was a prominent banker and philanthropist, and St Katherine Drexel grew up surrounded by privilege and luxury. However, despite her comfortable life, St Katherine Drexel was deeply concerned about the plight of those less fortunate than her. St Katherine Drexel saw the suffering and inequality that was going on in many parts of the United States and was determined to use her resources to make a difference regarding this.

This desire to serve others ultimately led St Katherine Drexel to become a nun. She felt called to a life of religious devotion and service.

In 1891, St Katherine Drexel founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a religious order dedicated to serving African and Native Americans. Through the order, St Katherine Drexel opened numerous schools and missions throughout the country, providing education and support to those who had been marginalized and neglected. Through her work with the order, St Katherine Drexel opened numerous schools and missions throughout the United States, including Xavier University in New Orleans, the only historically Black Catholic university in the country.

St Katherine Drexel was also a fierce advocate for social justice, using her influence and resources to fight against racism and discrimination. She worked tirelessly to bring attention to the injustices faced by marginalized communities and used her wealth to support organizations and causes that aligned with her values. (

The schools that St. Katherine Drexel founded are truly remarkable institutions that have made a tremendous impact on the lives of countless individuals. St Katherine Drexel was a passionate advocate for education. With her resources, she established numerous schools throughout the country.

St Katherine Drexel founded Xavier University in New Orleans. It is the only historically African American Catholic university in the United States. The schools that she established continue to provide opportunities for people who might otherwise have been denied access to education, and they are a testament to Katherine’s enduring legacy of service and compassion.

In recognition of her lifelong dedication to serving others, St Katherine Drexel was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 2000. St Katherine Drexel ‘s legacy continues to inspire people around the world today as an example of how we can use our talents and resources to make a positive impact on the world. (

What Religious Order is Saint Katherine Drexel a part of?

St Katherine Drexel was a member of the religious order known as the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, which she founded in 1891. The order was dedicated to serving and ministering to the needs of African Americans and Native Americans, particularly in the United States. St Katherine Drexel was passionate about advocating for the marginalized and vulnerable members of society, and this order allowed her to do so in a powerful way.

St Katherine Drexel
St Katherine Drexel

Who is Katherine Drexel patron saint of?

St Katherine Drexel is the patron saint of racial justice, philanthropy, and missionaries. Her life was characterized by a deep commitment to these causes, and she spent her life working to create a more just and equitable society for all people. St Katherine Drexel ‘s faith and dedication to serving others is so inspirational for anyone seeking to make a difference in the world.

How did St. Katherine Drexel use faith and reason throughout her life?

St Katherine Drexel was a true example of someone who used faith and reason in equal measure throughout her life. She recognized that her faith and her intellect were both gifts from God, and that she could use them together to make a meaningful difference in the world.

For example, when she founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, St Katherine Drexel used her knowledge of finance and business to ensure that the order had a strong financial foundation. She recognized that this was necessary to ensure the sustainability of their mission over the long term. At the same time, she remained deeply committed to her faith and prayer life, and made sure that the order’s work was always grounded in love and compassion.

When did St. Katherine Drexel die?

St Katherine Drexel passed away on March 3, 1955 at the age of 96 years old. Her legacy, however, continues to live on through the work of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and other organizations dedicated to serving the marginalized and vulnerable members of society.

Where are the Relics of St Katherine Drexel?

There are a number of churches and institutions around the world that hold items associated with St Katherine Drexel ‘s life and work. Some of the most significant relics include a piece of her habit and a rosary that she carried with her throughout her life.

St Katherine Drexel
St Katherine Drexel

If you’re interested in seeing these relics, there are a number of places you can visit. One of the most notable is the National Shrine of St Katherine Drexel in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, which houses many artifacts and documents related to her life and work. Additionally, the Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Bensalem is another important site that honors St Katherine Drexel’s legacy.

St Katherine Drexel is actually interred at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The cathedral is a beautiful and historic church that has been an important site of worship and reflection for over a century. St Katherine Drexel’s tomb is located in a peaceful and reverent space within the cathedral, and it serves as a reminder of her enduring legacy of service and compassion.

How Can I take a Pilgrimage to see St Katherine Drexel?

One of the most popular things to see in Philadelphia is the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence and freedom. You can see the bell up close and learn more about its fascinating history at the Liberty Bell Center when you travel on your pilgrimage to see St Katherine Drexel.

St Katherine Drexel
St Katherine Drexel

When you’re planning your pilgrimage to Philadelphia, there are a few things you simply must see and do while you’re there. Independence Hall is also extremely significant to our country. It played a pivotal role in the birth of the United States of America. This is where both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were signed, and visitors can take a guided tour of the building to learn more about the events that helped shape American history.

For those who appreciate the finer things in life, the Philadelphia Museum of Art is another destination you won’t want to miss. This famous museum is the home to an extensive collection of art from all corners of the globe including Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali.

It’s a truly awe-inspiring experience that is not to be missed.

And finally, let’s talk about the cuisine. Philadelphia is famous for its delectable and iconic foods, such as the classic Philly cheesesteak, soft pretzels, and hoagies. You simply can’t leave without trying some of these mouth-watering treats for yourself. So, come and explore all that this amazing city has to offer, my dear friend. You won’t be disappointed!

Last but certainly not least, one of the must things I do in every city I visit that offers it is to ride the Red Bus Tours throughout the city to see all of the historical and tourist highlights. It’s a great way to get around the city in a very affordable fashion.

Here is a link to the Red Bus Tour in Philadelphia that you can take to make your pilgrimage in Philadelphia even better. You can check it out HERE.

st katherine drexel
st katherine drexel

What are Some Quotes of St Katheine Drexel?

 Here are some of her most notable quotes:

  1. “The love of Jesus in our hearts must lead us to go to our neighbor, to love and serve him.”
  2. “We must give ourselves completely to God, that He may use us as He wills.”
  3. “The only way to peace is through justice.”
  4. “The greatest work we do is to educate and elevate others.”
  5. “Our hearts are restless until they rest in God.”
  6. “Prayer is the key to all progress.”
  7. “Let us be what we profess to be.”
  8. “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
  9. “In the Eucharist we find all that we need.”
  10. “God has chosen us to do His work of love in the world, and we must do it with great joy and gratitude.”

These quotes are just a few examples of the wisdom and inspiration that St. Katherine Drexel shared with the world.

Because I’m so inspired by the saints, I’ve put together a really cool shirt for you with one of my favorite quotes by St Katherine Drexel.

These shirts are awesome because they give you a simple way to start a conversation about the saints and share the story of St Katherine Drexel with your friends, family, or some random person you meet out and about. This is an easy way to share the Gospel about how we are all sinners and need a savior and that Jesus is the blood sacrifice that came down from heaven to make atonement for our sins.

You can even invite them to church and help them get enrolled in the RCIA classes at your Church.

I remember the first time I wore my St Katherine Drexel WeAreSaintly shirt in front of my in-laws.

My mother-in-law squinted to read the wonderful saint quote by St Katherine Drexel and I was able to share her incredible story with them.

After I was finished talking about her life, my father-in-law replied..”cool”.

They aren’t Catholic so this was a really nice way of telling them about an inspiring Catholic saint along with sharing with them someone else who adored our Blessed Eucharist and Sacrament.

I’m praying for you about this! Below is the shirt. Just click on it. Choose the best color for you and your perfect size and then click on the BUY NOW button to be taken to the check out page.

St Katherine Drexel
St Katherine Drexel

St. Katharine Drexel Prayer

If you would like to pray to St Katherine Drexel, here is a beautiful prayer that you can use:

“St Katherine Drexel, you are a shining example of what it means to serve and love others. Help us to follow in your footsteps, and to always recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all people. May we be guided by your spirit of compassion, and may we always work to create a more just and equitable world. Amen.”

St. Katharine Drexel Novena

If you would like to participate in a novena to St Katherine Drexel, here is a simple one that you can use:

Day 1: Pray for an increase in faith, hope, and love.

Day 2: Pray for those who are marginalized and vulnerable in society, that they may be protected and cared for.

Day 3: Pray for those who work for social justice, that they may be inspired by St Katherine Drexel ‘s example and have the strength to persevere in their work.

Day 4: Pray for those who are struggling with financial hardship, that they may find hope and support in the community.

Day 5: Pray for those who are sick or suffering, that they may be comforted by the love of God.

Day 6: Pray for the leaders of our world, that they may be guided by wisdom and compassion as they make decisions that affect the lives of many.

Day 7: Pray for the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, that they may continue to be inspired by St Katherine Drexel ‘s legacy and have the resources they need to carry out their mission.

Day 8: Pray for an increase in your own faith and dedication to serving others.

Day 9: Pray for the intercession of St Katherine Drexel in your own life, and for her guidance in all that you do.

What can we learn from Saint Katherine Drexel?

There is so much that we can learn from the life and legacy of St Katherine Drexel . Perhaps one of the most important lessons we can take away is her commitment to social justice and serving the needs of others. St Katherine Drexel recognized the inherent dignity and worth of all people, and worked really hard to ensure that they received the love, support, and care they deserved.

In addition to her commitment to justice, St Katherine Drexel was also deeply devoted to her faith. She recognized the importance of prayer and reflection in her life, and made time for it even in the midst of her busy schedule. Her faith gave her strength and purpose, and allowed her to serve others with a loving and compassionate heart.

St Katherine Drexel was truly an amazing person, whose life was characterized by a deep commitment to social justice and a loving, compassionate spirit. Her legacy continues to inspire us today, and reminds us of the importance of serving others and living out our faith with passion and dedication. May we all strive to follow in her footsteps and make a positive difference in the world around us.

I hope this brief introduction to St Katherine Drexel has piqued your interest and left you feeling inspired by her remarkable life and work. I’m glad you sought out to learn about St Katherine Drexel today. It’s always a joy to share stories of our incredible saints!

Here is a cool book I found on amazon for you if you’d like to dig in deeper to St Katherine Drexel’s life…

Are You Inspired?

Are you inspired by what you’ve learned today? I love sharing the lives of the saints. Check out our blog HERE for more inspiring saints! For example, you can learn about the early Christian martyrs like Saints Felicity and Perpetua or a more contemporary saint like Saint John of God.

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


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