‘St Therese Prayer Novena’: 14 Top Tips – Unlock Saintly Guidance Through this Little Way Novena

‘St Therese Prayer Novena’: 14 Top Tips – Unlock Saintly Guidance Through this Little Way Novena

The inspirational St Therese Prayer Novena and divine intercession of St. Thérèse of Lisieux have drawn faithful devotees to the power of her “St Therese Prayer Novena” for generations. This saint, renowned for her “Little Way” of faith, offers a stirring and direct pathway to Christ through the grace-filled language of her cherished St Therese Prayer Novena.

In this post, we’ll explore the origins, meaning, and blessing of the “St Therese Prayer Novena” while reflecting on her profound spiritual wisdom. St. Thérèse’s life shone with humility, simplicity, and sacrifice – virtues magnified through her promise of roses and aid from heaven.

By looking closer at the “St Therese Prayer Novena” tradition, we glimpse the beauty of a saintly soul who saw holiness pervading everyday moments. Her inspiring St Therese Prayer Novena encapsulates that vision, drawing us nearer to Christ by calling on His beloved servant.

What is the St Therese novena prayer?

The St Therese Prayer Novena is a 9-day Catholic devotion to St Therese of Lisieux, consisting of prayers and meditations asking for her intercession. St Therese Prayer Novena is often prayed by those seeking miracles, or special intentions and graces from God through the intercession of St Therese.

The St Therese Prayer Novena format typically includes an opening prayer followed by a reading or meditation for each day. Each day focuses on a different intention, virtue, or episode from St Therese’s life. The St Therese prayer novena concludes with a closing prayer to St Therese.

St Therese Prayer Novena is commonly prayed leading up to her feast day on October 1st, as well as throughout the year by devotees seeking her aid. The prayers within the novena ask St Therese to present our petitions before God and seek her powerful heavenly intercession.

How do you pray the St Therese novena?

To pray the St Therese Prayer Novena, you pray the novena prayers and meditations for 9 consecutive days. It is traditional to begin the novena 9 days before the feast day of St Therese on October 1st, but it can be prayed anytime.

Each day includes an opening prayer, a meditation for the day, and then a closing prayer. The meditations focus on a virtue or intention related to St Therese. You begin with the opening prayer, read the meditation for the day, spend time reflecting on it, then conclude with the closing prayer to St Therese.

For example, the first day’s meditation contemplates St Therese’s great love of God. The second day focuses on her spirit of childlike trust. The meditations continue building each day upon her virtues and life story.

The St Therese Prayer Novena takes about 15-30 minutes per day to pray. It is often prayed privately, but can also be done in a group setting. Having a novena prayer booklet or print-out helps guide you through the novena.

Above all, approach the St Therese Prayer Novena with sincerity, opening your heart to God’s grace given through her intercession. Prayerfully reflect on each meditation and bring your intentions to St Therese.

What are the 9 days of the St Therese novena prayer?

The 9 days of the St Therese Prayer Novena typically follow this order:

1. St Therese’s Love of God

2. Her Spirit of Childlike Confidence

3. Her Humility

4. Her Obedience

5. Her Faith

6. Her Surrender

7. Her Detachment

8. Her Patience

9. Her Merciful Love

Each day’s meditation focuses on the corresponding virtue or theme from St Therese’s life. Through reflecting on her profound faith and virtues, we ask St Therese to pray for us that we may grow in our own spiritual lives.

The St Therese Prayer Novena concludes on the eve of her feast day when we remember her entrance into the glory of heaven and seek her intercession. She lived just 24 years, yet her little way to holiness inspires the faithful worldwide.

St Therese Prayer Novena
St Therese Prayer Novena

What is St Therese the patron saint of?

St Therese is the patron saint of missions, florists, orchards, and aviators. She was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1997 by Pope John Paul II, given the title Doctor of the Little Way.

In her autobiography Story of a Soul, Therese expressed her childhood desire to become a martyr and missionary. Unable to travel overseas, she offered her prayers and sacrifices for priests and missionaries. Her care packages sent to seminarians overseas helped spur missionary zeal.

Therese loved flowers and saw herself as the “little flower of Jesus.” After her death, she began being associated with roses and called the “Little Flower.” Hence her patronage of florists and gardeners.

Her breviary contained prayers for aviators, foreseeing the need for heavenly protection during air travel years before commercial flights. Pilots and passengers invoke her aid under the title St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.

When should you pray the St Therese novena?

Traditionally, the St Therese Prayer Novena is prayed in the 9 days leading up to her feast day, September 30 – October 1. But it can be prayed anytime you are seeking St Therese’s intercession.

Many pray a novena leading up to a special need or intention, like healing or discernment. Novenas bring our focused, persistent prayers to the saint’s aid. It may be prayed for 9 hours, 9 weeks, or other variations.

You may also pray the St Therese Prayer Novena:

– Before joining the Catholic Church, ask her intercession in your conversion.

– In times of illness or suffering. St Therese bore great physical pain with patience.

– For healing of relationships in your family. St Therese had tense family struggles before becoming a nun.

– During times of doubt or uncertainty, Therese overcame dark nights of the soul.

– For deceased loved ones, that they may enter heaven. St Therese promised to spend her heaven doing good on earth.

The important thing is to pray the St Therese Prayer Novena with devotion when you need St Therese’s intercession. Let her little way of trust guide you to Jesus.

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What can you pray to St Therese for?

You can pray to St Therese for just about any need or intention in your life. Here are some common intentions and causes people to ask St Therese to pray for:

– Healing from illness, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. St Therese herself was healed from illness as a child through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

– Consolation in times of grief, loss, or heartbreak. After her mother died when Therese was four, she clung to her sisters for support through this difficult loss.

– Discerning your vocation or major life decisions. At 15 Therese gained the courage to overcome opposition to follow her call to religious life.

– Strengthening your faith and spiritual life. St Therese’s little way of simplicity and trust is accessible to all.

– Mending relationships within families. Therese helped reconcile tensions between her father and sisters.

– Assistance in raising children and guarding their innocence. Therese’s own childhood piety was miraculous.

– Recovering from addictions. In her youth, Therese underwent a healing and conversion away from emotional co-dependency.

– Persevering through mental health struggles. Therese endured severe anxiety, fatigue, and scruples before fully trusting in God’s mercy.

– Courage in carrying your daily crosses. Though sickly, Therese embraced each day and its challenges with childlike confidence.

In every need, St Therese teaches us to rely completely on God’s love. She intercedes so we may receive God’s grace and walk in her little way of spiritual childhood.

St Therese Prayer Novena
St Therese Prayer Novena

What is the St Therese rose prayer?

The St Therese rose prayer is a popular devotion to St Therese of Lisieux that honors her association with roses. She described herself as the “little flower of Jesus,” and roses became a symbol of her life.

The St Therese rose prayer goes:

“St. Therese, beloved friend, you promised to spend your time in heaven doing good upon the earth. Shower us with roses and grace us with miracles to glorify God. Amen.”

This prayer references Therese’s promise to devote her eternal life to showering blessings upon the world. We thus ask her aid and intercession by sending us roses, which represent her presence and miracles granting our requests.

Some pray while visualizing receiving roses from St Therese. Red and white roses represent her boundless love and purity. The aroma signifies her answers to prayers and closeness to those invoking her.

Praying St Therese rose prayer is a beautiful devotion to the Little Flower, reminding us of her heavenly aid and intercession when we ask her to bless us with roses.

Where can I find the words to the St Therese novena prayer?

Here are some places where you can find the prayers and meditations for the St Therese Prayer Novena:

– Novena prayer books or booklets: Many Catholic publishers like Our Sunday Visitor or Catholic Book Publishing print St Therese Prayer Novena booklets containing the traditional prayers. These are available at Catholic stores or online.

– Your local parish or diocese may have copies of the St Therese Prayer Novena available. Ask at the parish office or check the diocesan website.

– Websites: Look up “St Therese Prayer Novena” online and you can find the prayers on Catholic sites like EWTN, PrayMoreNovenas, or Catholic Doors Ministry. These have the novena available for free.

– Catholic apps like Laudate or iMissal have sections with novena prayers, including the St St Therese Prayer Novena.

– Prayer cards: Condensed versions of the St Therese Prayer Novena may be available as printed prayer cards, containing just the opening, closing, and brief meditations for each day.

– Social media: Check Catholic Facebook pages or Instagram accounts which may share the St Therese Prayer Novena in posts or images during her feast.

Having a printed St Therese Prayer Novena guide helps walk you through the daily meditations. But the prayers can also be found online to pray wherever you are.

What is the St Therese flower prayer?

The St Therese flower prayer is a shorter devotion honoring her connection to flowers and intercessory role as the Little Flower.

This prayer is only 4 lines, making it easy to memorize and pray frequently:

“Little Flower, show your power in this hour. Send forth your favor upon us this day in our earthly needs. We believe we adore, we hope, and we love you. Amen.”

In just a few sentences, we invoke St Therese’s aid, asking her to show her power and send us blessings to meet our needs. We profess our Catholic faith in her intercession.

Its brevity makes the St Therese flower prayer popular:

– On prayer cards reminding us of her aid.
– Engraved on St Therese statues and holy objects.
– Printed in St Therese Prayer Novena booklets.
– Shared in social media posts honoring her.

Both the flower prayer and the rose prayer help give focused devotion to St Therese, calling quickly upon her holy aid.

How long do you pray the St Therese novena for?

The traditional St Therese Prayer Novena lasts 9 days. But her novena can be adapted to a shorter or longer length, depending on your needs. Common novena lengths include:

– 9 days – The traditional novena prayed from September 30 leading up to her October 1 feast.

– 9 weeks – For an extended intention, pray the novena weekly for 9 weeks.

– 9 months – When in need throughout a longer period, pray for 9 months.

– 9 hours – Condensing the novena to be prayed in a single day’s devotion.

– Monthly or annually – Praying the novena each month or yearly in her honor.

– Perpetual novena – For ongoing intentions like a loved one’s conversion, praying her novena daily.

– Mini novena – Praying just the opening, meditation, and closing prayers takes only 5-10 minutes a day for a shortened novena.

The typical 9 day novena provides focused preparation for her feast and aids seeking her help. But praying St Therese’s novena for your special intention can be adapted to suit your needs and devotion.

The important thing is to persistently pray the St Therese novena with devotion. She promised her shower of roses and miracles to those who honor her with faithful prayer. So pray unceasingly and let St Therese guide you ever closer to Christ.

St Therese Prayer Novena
St Therese Prayer Novena – Birth Place of St Therese CC

How do I take a Catholic pilgrimage to see St. Therese of Lisieux?

To take a pilgrimage to see St. Therese, you’ll want to travel to Lisieux in Normandy, France. This is where St. Therese lived and entered the Carmelite convent. In Lisieux, you can visit:

– The Basilica of St. Therese – a beautiful church built after her canonization and containing her relics.

– Les Buissonnets – the family home of the Martin family where Therese grew up. It is preserved as a museum.

– The Carmelite Convent – where St. Therese lived as a nun and the site of her tomb.

Check with Catholic tour groups or your local church to see if they organize any pilgrimage trips to Lisieux. Having a guide who understands the Catholic significance of the sites will enrich your experience.

If traveling independently, research and plan your travel to coordinate visiting the holy sites of St. Therese. Allow enough time to pray and reflect. Making a pilgrimage to walk in the saint’s footsteps is a blessing!

St Therese Prayer Novena
St Therese Prayer Novena – St Therese’s Convent

What other Catholic things are there to visit in France?

If visiting Lisieux, consider extending your pilgrimage to include other significant Catholic sites in France like:

– The Miraculous Medal Shrine in Paris – where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure.

– St. Catherine Labouré’s relics at the Chapel Rue du Bac in Paris.

– The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes – where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette.

– The incorrupt body of St. Bernadette at the Sisters of Charity Convent in Nevers.

– Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris – a magnificent basilica in Montmartre.

– Chartres Cathedral – a famous medieval pilgrimage site with relics of Mary’s veil.

– Mont St. Michel Abbey – an ancient abbey and pilgrimage destination off the French coast.

With careful planning, you can make a spiritual tour visiting sites associated with France’s holy saints and Marian apparitions. Each enriches your Catholic faith!

Making a Pilgrimage to St. Thérèse of Lisieux

For devoted followers of St. Thérèse and her beloved “St Therese Prayer Novena”, visiting the holy sites in France where she lived and served can deepen spiritual connection. Her wisdom and sacrifice, so lovingly recorded in her memoirs, come alive when treading the paths she walked.

The main pilgrimage site is Lisieux, Normandy – St. Thérèse’s hometown. One may visit the family home where she grew up, now a reverent museum containing her relics and possessions. The Basilica dedicated to her also provides the opportunity for prayerful veneration in this quaint, peaceful town.

An additional significant stop is the Convent of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus in Alençon, where St. Thérèse lived during her young adulthood and deepened her faith. Here in the convent chapel, she had a pivotal vision of the Smiling Virgin, inspiring her “Little Way” of holiness. Retracing her journey renews the commitment to bring love to even humdrum daily tasks.

Pilgrims can also visit the Carmelite Convent in Lisieux where St. Thérèse formally entered religious life. Within its hallowed cloisters, she embraced a life of simplicity, devotion, and service. This is also where she passed, an event marked by showering roses. Being present in the places where God’s light shone through her rekindles the flame of spiritual purpose.

Wherever the journey leads, keeping her spirit close through the “St Therese Prayer Novena” ensures her intercession and wisdom walk beside us. Like following in the footsteps of a dear friend, her words stir, comfort, and guide.

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Time to pack your bags! 🙂

How can I become more like a saint when I pray the St Therese novena?

When you pray the St Therese Prayer Novena asking St. Therese’s intercession, also ask her help to grow in holiness. Meditate on her virtues of humility, kindness, and patience and strive to emulate them. Here are some tips:

– Ask St. Therese to reveal where you need to grow spiritually and for the grace to improve.

– Pray to carry your crosses and sufferings with St. Therese’s patience and joy.

– Reflect on making small sacrifices out of love, as St. Therese’s little way teaches.

– Be humble, forgiving others as St. Therese forgave.

– Pray the St Therese Prayer Novena for people in need, as St. Therese prayed constantly for others.

– Read St. Therese’s autobiography Story of a Soul, learning from her spiritual wisdom.

– Go to confession, Mass, and adoration frequently to nourish your soul as St. Therese did.

With St. Therese as your guide, each day of the St Therese Prayer Novena can help perfect your soul’s virtues. She will shower you with roses as you strive to become a saint through her little way!

Are You Inspired?

Do you find any inspiration or motivation in the lessons we’ve learned from these well-known saints today? Biographies of saints make for interesting reading and conversation. It’s highly likely to bear spiritual fruit in our life.

Would you like a straightforward way to talk to your loved ones about the saints? Why don’t you purchase one of these amazing shirts I made just for you? You can use the search box at the top of this website to hunt for your favorite famous saints. You might reply by sharing the lives of your favorite well-known saints when others ask you about the importance of your clothes in this way.

These inspiring stories might even persuade them to go to church with you. Even better, you might be able to introduce them to the Gospel. Romans 3:23 says that everyone has sinned and is short of the glory of God. Therefore, everyone needs a Savior.

God made a provision for us to become His children by sending His one and only son to meet the demands of the law. Rom. 4:15–16

Jesus had to come to Earth, live a blameless life, and die in order to offer the ultimate atonement for our sins. The Bible says it like this…

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

However, Jesus’ crucifixion, execution, and burial were not the end of the story. No, he rose from the grave! Because He is alive, He promises to bring us back to life once we pass away. He overcame sin and death once and for all. Hallelujah!

After sharing this important information with your family, friends, and acquaintances, invite them to the local Catholic church’s RCIA program.

Through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, family members, friends, and acquaintances can join the Catholic Church and qualify to receive the Holy Sacraments. Students can learn everything they need to know about our glorious Christian religion and our Compassionate Jesus by participating in RCIA sessions given by their parish.

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Click HERE or on the image to view this well-known St. Therese quote shirt that was specially created for you. Choose your favorite size and color, then click the BUY NOW button to proceed to the payment page.

You can access a list of additional well-known saints from our website by clicking HERE.

St Therese Prayer Novena
St Therese Prayer Novena

After studying the St Therese Prayer Novena, are you free to read about another saint?

Why not investigate:

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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