13 Facts and Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Praying St Rita’s Novena and Invoking Divine Intervention

13 Facts and Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Praying St Rita’s Novena and Invoking Divine Intervention

St Rita’s Novena is an effective method for asking Saint Rita of Cascia, the patron saint of impossible cases, for help. St Rita’s Novena invites you to participate in a potent tradition of St Rita’s Novena and devotion, offering a pathway to hope and healing whether you are dealing with a challenging situation or just looking to strengthen your spiritual connection.

St. Rita has won the hearts and minds of millions all over the world with her incredible life of faith and humble origins, leading countless others to seek her advice and assistance.

So let’s explore the tradition of St Rita’s Novena together and learn about the strength of her intercession.

St Rita's Novena
St Rita’s Novena

What is the nine-day novena to St. Rita?

The ancient Catholic devotion known as St Rita’s novena lasts for nine days straight. St Rita’s Novena is a potent approach to enlist the aid of St. Rita, a revered Italian saint who lived in the 14th century. St. Rita is renowned for her persistent faith in the midst of enormous hardship and afflictions, her unwavering devotion to God, and her life of prayer and penance. Many miracles have been attributed to praying the powerful prayer, St Rita’s Novena.

St Rita’s Novena is a time to think about her life and her virtues and to ask for her assistance in our own lives. St Rita’s Novena can be a potent method to get closer to God and ask for the intercession of this adored saint, whether you are going through a challenging situation, fighting with a disease or addiction, or simply trying to develop your faith.

Did you enjoy hearing St Rita’s Novena? You can screenshot St Rita’s Novena on your phone and be able to reference it easily each day.

What is The Novena Prayer to Saint Rita for Impossible Cases?

Several people who are dealing with challenging or seemingly impossible circumstances in their lives turn to Saint Rita of Cascia, who is commonly regarded as the patron saint of impossible cases. To ask for St. Rita’s assistance and intercession, many people recite this powerful st rita’s novena throughout the course of nine days. St Rita’s Novena is a potent tool for prayer and devotion that, when prayed with confidence and sincerity, can offer consolation, hope, and supernatural blessings.

What is St Rita’s Novena, then? In order to obtain Saint Rita’s intercession for the resolution of challenging and unsolvable issues, a nine-day prayer in her honor is offered. St Rita’s Novena is performed with great faith and devotion and is a strong and passionate request for Saint Rita’s assistance.

Although St Rita’s Novena can be recited at any time of the year, it is most well-liked in the days before her feast day on May 22. St Rita’s Novena is performed once daily for nine days straight, either singly or in a group.

How do you pray St Rita’s Novena?

St Rita’s Novena is a quick and effective approach to connect with the saint and ask for her aid and direction in your life. The steps for praying  St Rita’s novena are as follows:

For your St Rita’s Novena, decide on a specific intention. This could be a specific prayer request or just a general wish to strengthen your faith and ask St. Rita for help.

The nine days of St Rita’s Novena are a set of prayers or devotions that are traditionally recited for nine consecutive days in honor of St. Rita. St Rita’s Novena usually begins on May 13th and ends on May 21st, which is the feast day of St. Rita.

Making the sign of the cross and saying this opening St Rita’s Novena prayer will signal the start of St Rita’s Novena.

“O dear patroness of those in need, St. Rita, you were humble, pure, and patient. Please receive for me from our risen Jesus the request I ask of you.”

After starting off with the sign, you say the following prayers for the corresponding day for each day in St Rita’s Novena and reflect on St. Rita’s life so you too can become a saint like her and more like our Lord everyday. This is His will for us since His desire is that we be sanctified. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8)

Each day of St Rita’s Novena typically focuses on a different aspect of St. Rita’s life or virtues, and includes prayers and reflections on that theme. The following is a sample outline of the themes for each day of St Rita’s Novena:

  • Day 1: Humility and Obedience

Prayer: O God, you inspired St. Rita to imitate Christ in his humility and obedience. Help us to follow her example and to submit ourselves to your holy will, even when it is difficult. Grant us the grace to recognize our own limitations and to trust in your guidance.

Reflection: On this first day of St Rita’s Novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s virtues of humility and obedience. St. Rita was known for her willingness to obey God’s will, even in the face of great adversity. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us grow in these virtues, so that we too may be open to God’s plan for our lives.

  • Day 2: Trust in God’s Providence

Prayer: O God, you provided for St. Rita’s needs and guided her through difficult times. Help us to trust in your providence and to believe that you will always provide for us as well. Grant us the courage to face challenges with faith and hope.

Reflection: On this second day of the St. Rita’s Novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s trust in God’s providence. St. Rita was a widow and a single mother who faced many challenges in her life, but she always believed that God would provide for her. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us trust in God’s plan for our lives.

  • Day 3: Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Prayer: O God, you inspired St. Rita to forgive those who had wronged her and to seek reconciliation with her enemies. Help us to follow her example and to be agents of reconciliation in our own lives. Grant us the grace to forgive those who have hurt us and to seek peace with all people.

Reflection: On this third day of the St Rita’s Novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s virtues of forgiveness and reconciliation. St. Rita was known for her ability to forgive those who had wronged her, even when it was difficult. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us forgive those who have hurt us, so that we may experience the peace that comes from reconciliation.

  • Day 4: Prayer and Devotion

Prayer: O God, you called St. Rita to a life of prayer and devotion. Help us to cultivate a deep relationship with you through prayer and meditation. Grant us the grace to be faithful to our spiritual practices and to grow in holiness.

Reflection: On this fourth day of the St. Rita’s Novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s devotion to prayer. St. Rita spent many hours in prayer and contemplation, and she was known for her deep relationship with God. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us deepen our own prayer lives, so that we may draw closer to God and experience his love.

  • Day 5: Suffering and Patience

Prayer: O God, you allowed St. Rita to share in the sufferings of Christ. Help us to unite our own sufferings to the cross of Christ, and to bear our trials with patience and grace. Grant us the strength to persevere in difficult times.

Reflection: On this fifth day of the st rita’s novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s willingness to suffer for the sake of Christ. St. Rita endured many trials and hardships in her life, but she always trusted in God’s providence. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us bear our own sufferings with patience and faith, so that we may become more like Christ.

  • Day 6: Hope

Prayer: O God, you filled St. Rita’s heart with hope and perseverance. Help us to cultivate a spirit of hopefulness, even in the midst of trials and difficulties. Grant us the grace to trust in your promises and to believe that all things are possible with you.

Reflection: On this sixth day of the novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s hope and perseverance. St. Rita faced many challenges and setbacks in her life, but she never lost hope. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us cultivate a spirit of hopefulness, so that we may trust in God’s providence and believe that he can work miracles in our lives.

  • Day 7: Love and Charity

Prayer: O God, you inspired St. Rita to love her neighbors as herself. Help us to follow her example and to show love and charity to all people, especially those who are in need. Grant us the grace to be compassionate and merciful, as you are.

Reflection: On this seventh day of the St. Rita’s novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s love and charity. St. Rita was known for her kindness and generosity, and she always looked for ways to help others. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us grow in love and charity, so that we may be instruments of God’s peace and mercy in the world.

  • Day 8: Purity and Innocence

Prayer: O God, you preserved St. Rita’s purity and innocence, even in the face of temptation. Help us to cultivate a spirit of purity and to resist the allure of sin. Grant us the grace to live holy and chaste lives, according to your will.

Reflection: On this eighth day of the St. Rita’s novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s purity and innocence. St. Rita was a model of chastity and virtue, and she always sought to live according to God’s commandments. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us grow in purity and innocence, so that we may be pleasing to God in all that we do.

  • Day 9: Union with God

Prayer: O God, you united St. Rita with yourself in a deep and intimate way. Help us to seek union with you and to become more like you in all that we do. Grant us the grace to know and love you more each day, and to be transformed by your grace.

Reflection: On this ninth and final day of the St Rita’s novena, we reflect on St. Rita’s union with God. St. Rita was known for her deep relationship with God, and she was often said to have been united with him in mystical ways. Let us ask St. Rita to intercede for us and to help us seek union with God, so that we may become more like him and experience the fullness of his love.

After saying the daily prayer during St Rita’s Novena, pause for a moment to consider St. Rita’s merits and enlist her help in your life. If you want to strengthen your relationship with this cherished saint, you might also want to give more prayers or devotions.

  • This is the closing prayer for each day of St Rita’s Novena.

“O wonderful St. Rita, who did marvelously participate in the painful passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, acquire for me the grace to suffer with resignation the hardships of this life, and protect me in all my necessities.”

You can get closer to the mighty saint and ask for her assistance in your life by fervently praying St Rita’s novena. St Rita’s novena can be a potent method to connect with God and to ask for the intercession of this revered saint, whether you are going through a challenging situation, looking for healing or protection, or simply hoping to strengthen your faith.

Faith Focused Dating Paul and Regina

What is Saint Rita of Cascia known for?

Saint Rita of Cascia is renowned for a variety of qualities, including her life of constant devotion to God, her deep faith, and her extraordinary intercession for those who turn to her for assistance. Just a few of the things Saint Rita is renowned for are as follows:

Saint Rita was intensely devoted to God from an early age and spent many years in prayer and penance in order to get to know Him better and understand His will for her life.

Saint Rita was well recognized for her deep love of people, especially the sick and the destitute. She devoted a large portion of her life to helping those in need, frequently donating her own assets in order to do so.

Her miracles: During her lifetime, Saint Rita is credited with working a number of miracles, including the raising of the dead and the healing of the sick. Many people still seek her intercession when they encounter circumstances in their life that appear insurmountable.

One of the few saints in history who have received the stigmata, or the wounds of Christ, is Saint Rita. She endured these scars for a long time, and people saw them as a testament to her close relationship with Christ and her determination to endure pain for His sake.

Why Saint Rita of Cascia is called the Saint of the Impossible?

Because of her extraordinary ability to intercede on behalf of individuals who turn to her for assistance, Saint Rita of Cascia is frequently referred to as the Saint of the Impossible. Many people who find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations have sought the assistance of Saint Rita, and as a consequence, they have received miraculous healings, conversions, and other benefits.

In one of the most well-known accounts of Saint Rita’s intercession, a man who was about to commit a heinous crime. According to the tale, the man was enraged and filled with hatred, and he intended to exact revenge on his adversaries. But just as he was ready to carry out his plan, a vision of Saint Rita appeared before him, and he was overcome with calm and compassion. He gave up his plan for retaliation and as a result, changed his life.

This incident and numerous more like it provide as evidence of Saint Rita of Cascia’s potent intercession for those who pray St Rita’s Novena. Her name as the Saint of the Impossible is a witness to her extraordinary capacity to assist those in need, and her life of faith, virtue, and intercession continues to inspire and encourage people all around the world.

What happened to Saint Rita of Cascia?

Rita of Cascia led a magnificent life of devotion to God and others, morality, and faith. Saint Rita, an Italian woman born in the fourteenth century, married young and bore two boys. Saint Rita, however, underwent years of suffering and adversity as a result of her violent and abusive marriage.

Saint Rita joined the Augustinian monastery at Cascia after her husband was killed, where she remained the rest of her life in prayer and devotion to God. She was renowned for her fervent love of Christ and empathy for others.

Where is St. Rita of Cascia buried?

One of the most adored and revered saints in the Catholic Church is St. Rita of Cascia. She is renowned for leading a holy life, being devoted to Christ, and making special intercessions for people with seemingly hopeless situations. If you’re a follower of St. Rita, you might be interested in finding out where she is interred so that you can pay your respects at her tomb.

In the basilica honoring St. Rita of Cascia, which is located in the Italian town of Cascia, she is interred. The Basilica di Santa Rita da Cascia is a stunning and ancient church that is devoted to honoring the memory of Saint Rita. The basilica contains her tomb, which is a well-liked site for tourists and followers from all over the world.

Built in the 20th century, the church has magnificent paintings, marble statues, and exquisite stained-glass windows. The basilica also has a museum with exhibits connected to St. Rita’s life and devotional cult.

St Rita's Novena
St Rita’s Novena

How can I make a pilgrimage to see St. Rita of Cascia?

St. Rita of Cascia pilgrimage is a potent and significant opportunity to develop your devotion to this adored saint. Italy’s Umbria area includes the town of Cascia, which is easily reachable from Rome or Florence by train or by vehicle.

Here are a few things to have in mind if you’re thinking about making a trip to see St. Rita of Cascia:

The Basilica di Santa Rita da Cascia is open to visitors all year long, but its hours are subject to change or it can be closed on specific days. Before to traveling, please sure to check the church’s website or give them a call to confirm the hours of operation.

Arrange your trip to coincide with a noteworthy occasion: May 22nd, the basilica’s feast day, is a particularly memorable time to visit. A variety of additional occasions and celebrations are held in Cascia throughout the year that may be of interest to pilgrims.

Take a guided tour: You might want to think about taking a guided tour of the basilica and museum if you’re interested in learning more about St. Rita’s life and her cult of devotion. In Cascia, there are numerous tour companies that provide guided tours in English and other languages.

Observe the basilica’s norms by dressing appropriately and abiding by them when you visit the Basilica of Santa Rita da Cascia. This can involve keeping your hands to yourself, covering your shoulders and legs, not taking pictures, and remaining silent and polite inside the church.

An effective and significant way to strengthen your devotion to Saint Rita of Cascia is to pay your respects at the Basilica of Santa Rita da Cascia. A pilgrimage to Cascia is a lovely and worthwhile experience, regardless of whether you want to learn more about her life and legacy or you’re looking for her intercession for a difficult case.

What other saints are in Cascia, Italy?

Due to its long Catholic history and abundance of saints, Cascia, Italy is referred to as the “City of Saints.” In addition to St. Rita of Cascia, the village is where St. Feliciano and St. Francesco Antonio Fasani’s remains can be found.

Bishop and martyr St. Feliciano was assassinated in the third century during the Diocletianic Persecution. As his remains were found in Cascia in the 12th century, people began to flock to his grave. His sarcophagus is still on display in the Church of Saint Feliciano today.

Franciscan friar St. Francesco Antonio Fasani lived in the 18th century. He is renowned for his stirring sermons and commitment to the ill and underprivileged. Visitors can view his grave and relics in the Church of St. Anthony, where his body is kept in preservation.

What other Catholic things are there to see in Cascia, Italy?

In addition to these saints, Cascia is home to a number of other important Catholic sites. The relics of St. Rita are kept at the Basilica of St. Rita, a magnificent work of baroque architecture. Another significant Catholic location in Cascia is the Chapel of the Precious Blood, which has a relic of Christ’s blood.

The Church of the Madonna delle Grazie and the Church of the Immaculate Conception are just two of the stunning churches and chapels in Cascia. The town’s 13th-century towers and medieval walls are also open to visitors to examine.

St Rita's Novena
St Rita’s Novena

Making travel arrangements to see St. Rita of Cascia:

There are numerous methods to plan your trip if you want to go on a pilgrimage to see St. Rita of Cascia. You can either arrange your own schedule and go freely or you can reserve a guided tour of Cascia and the neighborhood.

Flying into Rome or Florence and then taking a train or bus will get you to Cascia. As an alternative, you might rent a car and go by yourself to Cascia, giving you the freedom to explore the region at your own speed. The closest international airport to Cascia, a small town in central Italy’s Umbria region, is Rome’s Fiumicino Airport, which is roughly a 2.5-hour drive away.

You can stop by the Sanctuary of St. Rita in Cascia’s town center once you get there. The museum and other attractions on the grounds could have a minor admission charge, but access to the shrine is always free.

If you choose to spend the night in Cascia, there are a number of hotels and guesthouses nearby that offer anything from inexpensive lodging to luxurious amenities. You can also think about lodging in a nearby city like Norcia or Spoleto and visiting Cascia for the day.

My life was forever changed after I went on my first pilgrimage. Walking the same footsteps that the saints walked was incredible and deepened my faith.

I’ve traveled extensively. Among the countries I’ve visited are America, Scotland, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and all of Israel. I’ll soon be in Turkey, too.

I am familiar with all of the travel essentials. Because of this, I’ve created a list of quick links to help you get ready for your trip.

Click on the following links to prepare for your spiritual journey, and remember to bookmark this page so you may easily return to it later:

  1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
  2. A Car Rental
  3. Taxi Drivers
  4. Bus or Train Tickets
  5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
  6. Fun Events for Your Journey
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Phone for Traveling


Time to pack your bags! 🙂

How many miracles did Saint Rita perform?

There have been numerous miracles credited to Saint Rita of Cascia’s intercession. She is reported to have worked a variety of miracles throughout her life, including reviving the dead and raising the sick and injured. In actuality, she was given the moniker “the Saint of the Impossible” due to her propensity for miracles.

Although it is difficult to pinpoint the precise number of miracles ascribed to St. Rita, the Catholic Church has looked at a number of well-established examples.

  1. One of St. Rita’s most well-known miracles is the recovery of a little child who had been struck by lightning and gone into a coma. St. Rita reportedly appeared to the girl in a dream and miraculously healed her after the girl’s family prayed to her for intercession.
  2. A man who was on trial for murder is the subject of another well-known miracle credited to St. Rita. The man prayed to Saint Rita for her intercession while he awaited his trial because he had been wrongfully accused. Saint Rita allegedly showed up on the day of the trial and delivered a signed confession from the real murderer, clearing the man’s identity and releasing him.

These and numerous other miracles have contributed to the widespread veneration of St. Rita in the Catholic Church and helped to solidify her reputation as a potent intercessor.

Many miracles over the years have been credited to St. Rita’s intercession. They consist of salvations, recoveries from sickness and disease, and other manifestations of God’s kindness and love. Despite the fact that it is hard to know for sure how many miracles St. Rita has worked, the fact that she continues to be well-liked and the numerous accounts of her intercession show that her influence is just as strong today as it was back when she was alive.

How do you pray to St. Rita for miracles?

Along with St Rita’s Novena, you can pray the St. Rita of Cascia prayer for miracles. While some people prefer to pray in their own words, others may choose to repeat St Rita’s Novena. It is crucial that you approach St. Rita with a pure heart and a firm faith in her ability to intervene on your behalf and perform the miracle you are hoping for.

This is a short prayer you might say to Saint Rita to ask for her intercession:

“Dear Saint Rita, you who are the Saint of the Impossible, intercede for me and bring about the miracle I am seeking. Help me to have the courage and faith to confront whatever trials come my way. Lead me on the path to holiness and grace.”

It’s crucial to keep in mind that while requesting miracles through St. Rita’s intercession can be effective, God ultimately decides whether or not to fulfill our prayers.

Also, it’s crucial to approach prayer with humility and a readiness to accept whatever results we receive.

How can praying St Rita’s Novena help me to become a saint?

A potent way to strengthen your relationship with God and progress toward holiness is through doing St Rita’s Novena. You are investing time and effort into deepening your faith and your relationship with St. Rita by deciding to pray St Rita’s Novena for nine days.

We can learn from and be inspired by St. Rita’s bravery, fortitude, and constant faith as we go along our own spiritual paths. We can get valuable insights about forgiveness, kindness, and the efficacy of prayer by considering her life and asking for her intercession.

The ultimate aim of St Rita’s Novena is to become closer to God and live a life of faith, love, and service to others, not necessarily to become a saint in the traditional sense. We might be motivated to reach out and assist those around us as we seek St. Rita’s intercession for our own needs and challenges, emulating her lifelong example of compassion and charity.

Will you try praying St Rita’s Novena? Will you invite others to pray St Rita’s Novena for their impossible causes? Since St Rita’s Novena has been so powerful and effective for others, I’m sure St Rita’s Novena can work for you too. Just be open to God’s answers and wait to know His Will.

Are You Inspired?

Did today’s lessons provide you with any inspiration? I enjoy reading about and discussing the lives of the saints. It has the potential to yield a lot of spiritual fruit in our lives.

Would you like a nonchalant way to bring up your faith?

If you’re wearing the stunning shirt I made just for you, you won’t have any trouble telling about St Rita’s Novena.

Wearing these t-shirts makes it exciting to discuss saints with close friends, family, and complete strangers. You may now share the remarkable story of the power of St Rita’s Novena when someone asks what your shirt says.

They might even decide to accompany you to church. Better yet, you can pray St Rita’s Novena with them and preach the Gospel to them, which will aid in the salvation of their souls. They need a Savior because, according to Romans 3:23, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” You can explain this to them.

And that in order to redeem those who were under the law so that we could become His children, God sent His one and only son to live under the law. (4:15–16 in Galatians)

Jesus had to come to earth, suffer, and die for us in order to atone for our sins. According to the Bible,

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

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Simply click the image to view the shirt design or go HERE. To be taken to the checkout page, choose your favorite size and color, then click the PURCHASE NOW button.

St Rita's Novena
St Rita’s Novena

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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