St Rita Novena

“St Rita Novena” – How these Top 13 Tips Can Give you victory Over Your Problems

“St Rita Novena” – How these Top 13 Tips Can Give you victory Over Your Problems

A novena is a beloved Catholic devotion consisting of 9 days of prayer focused on petitions to Christ, the Virgin Mary, or a saint. The St Rita novena invokes the intercession of St. Rita of Cascia, who lived a life of devotion and is the patron saint of impossible causes. This means that the St Rita novena is often prayed by those facing situations that seem utterly hopeless, unsolvable, or even miraculous in nature.

While the origins of this specific St Rita novena are unclear, the power of its earnest prayers to her are resoundingly apparent. Across the years, countless blessings and impossible requests granted have been attributed to the devout recitation of this St Rita novena. There are inspiring written accounts detailing such profound gifts received after praying this novena with an open and believing heart.

St Rita Novena
St Rita Novena

When does the St Rita novena start and end?

The feast day of St. Rita is May 22, so the St Rita novena to prepare for this celebration begins nine days before, starting on May 13 and concluding on May 21. However, this meaningful novena may be prayed at any time during the year!

Given the aforementioned areas of life that St. Rita holds patronage over, many choose times of exceptional difficulty or seemingly impossible circumstances to lift their petitions through this novena. Praying this for nine days aligns devotionally with St. Rita’s nine years spent prayerfully entreating the Lord to guide her vocation. The sustained practice mirrors her steadfast faith that God hears and answers in His perfect timing.

Of course, as May 22 draws near each year, many will turn their sights to the upcoming feast day by praying this St Rita novena beginning on May 13 again as well. The largest celebrations in her honor occur at her basilica shrine in Cascia, Italy for the May 22 feast.

What are the St Rita novena prayers?

The St Rita novena comprises, at its core, a short prayer offered each day for nine days requesting her holy intercession and concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers. Here is the full text:

+ O holy protectress of those who art in utmost need, thou who shineth bright as a star of hope, blessed Saint Rita of Cascia, in patience and fortitude thou art a model of all the states in life. I beseech thee to accept this my request: (make request).

In gratitude of thy favors, I will endeavor to imitate thy virtues, that I may one day share in the glory of Heaven with thee and all the Saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…

This central prayer establishes the overall petition placed through St. Rita’s intercession and demonstrates the believer’s dedication to holiness of life as well, promising to follow her example of heroic virtue. The novena may consist of only these prayers, or be enhanced by other devotional additions if desired.

What are St. Rita’s areas of patronage?

St. Rita has come to be revered through time as the patroness of impossible cases, which speaks to those seemingly hopeless situations beyond human aid. She is also more specifically believed to intercede for:

– Difficult relationships, especially within families

– Spousal abuse and domestic violence sufferers seeking help

– Loneliness and depression

– Infertility or desperate pregnancy complications

– Incurable illnesses (especially terminal cases pleading for healing)

– Financial crises or unmanageable debts

The connecting thread is these difficult circumstances arising in life where all earthly options have been exhausted. Feeling helpless and with nowhere left to turn, the faithful then appeal to this holy intercessor, St. Rita, through dedicated recitation of her eponymous novena.

St Rita Novena
St Rita Novena

How did the St Rita novena originate?

The beautiful history tracing this St Rita novena’s origins surround her religious calling first as an Augustinian nun then joining the root of her founding order to die as a member of the Order of Saint Augustine. Born in 1381 in Roccaporena, Italy, St. Rita sought refuge in a convent as a young teenager to avoid being forced into an arranged marriage. Over time, she found not temporal safety alone but indeed her true spiritual vocation flourishing there.

However, she remained haunted by the vengeance between her family and another that led to her husband’s murder. Egged on by family, her twin sons were determined to retaliate violently in a never-ending blood feud. St. Rita’s prayers and tears over losing her sons to such sin went to heaven for years as she beseeched God to intervene rather than let them damn themselves through murder. Miraculously converting their vengeful hearts on the eve of their plot being enacted, both sons died peacefully within a year’s time.

After handling such trials, St. Rita then united herself fully to Jesus, petitioning to share in some physical way His suffering out of deepest empathy and spiritual vision surpassing all logic. Her famous partially incorrupt body displays a forehead wound of unknown origin – potentially divinely inflicted – matching the wounds of Christ’s crown of thorns. Offering decades more of her life in continuous prayer and penance to Jesus crucified, St. Rita is intimately united with the Passion of Our Lord.

It is believed that the Augustinian nuns tasked with the hospital and burying deceased sisters expanded upon prayers honoring their member Sister Rita after her death circa 1457. The longstanding Abbess schema traditionally prays for all inside their convent walls and those sisters departed this life. Early on, St. Rita’s intercession seems effectively invoked for the community needs as well as outside petitioners seeking similar holy assistance, regardless of location. Thus organically this novena prayer spread, encapsulated enduring theology within its pithy words and resonating deeply in the hearts of faithful devotees to this day.

Where can I find a St Rita novena printable?

For those devoted to St. Rita seeking to pray this efficacious novena, printables help establish the routine. Having a ready-to-use St Rita novena printable form guides the daily commitment to see it through all nine days without having to turn to the internet for prompting. Plus during the actual prayers, you minimize technical distractions having the novena printout in hand.

I suggest visiting the website which offers a convenient downloadable and printable St Rita novena PDF. It includes the novena text for all nine days, plus aftercare tips and recommended additional prayers such as the Divine Mercy chaplet. Click here to instantly access and print their professionally designed St Rita novena prayer card printable.

This service also thoughtfully emails you each day during whichever novena you choose to encourage your devotion staying on track those 9 days. You can further save or share the PDF novena from their site as well. So leverage the helpful resources of this prayer website to enrich your experience of this St Rita novena.

What is St. Rita the patron saint of?

As mentioned earlier, desperate causes and situations marked by despair especially relate to St. Rita as heavenly intercessor and patroness. She is the advocate for cases hoping against hope, bringing the light of encouragement and herecdotal experience trusting God’s providence.

More specifically, her patronage covers these challenging circumstances:

– Infertility and conception issues
– Terminal diagnoses and incurable diseases
– Extreme financial distress or insurmountable debts
– Familial feuds lingering across generations
– Victims of abuse suffering silently
– The loneliest isolated souls overwhelmed by anguish

St. Rita suffered across these same scenarios during her life but persevered in faith, surrendering all to the Lord. Though never guaranteed miraculous relief or measurable impact, petitioners pleading St. Rita’s case before the throne on God relate to her earthly bearing of crosses. We find empathy, support and glimmers of hard-won hope through St. Rita’s example. Writing their difficult intention down plainly while praying this novena gives voice to private pain so often unspoken.

Through these nine days of repetitive prayer, we recalibrate perspective and willingness to shoulder on as we align more closely with holy guides like St. Rita. The daily surrendering of urgent intentions voiced through this novena can itself gradually lead petitioners to deeper reliance on God and heightened trust in His timing, much as beloved St. Rita exemplified.

When is St. Rita’s feast day?

The feast day celebrated in high honor of St. Rita of Cascia is commemorated annually on May 22. The saint is especially beloved within her own Augustinian Order as well as in her hometown, the Italian hillside village of Cascia. Pilgrims flock each springtime to venerate her relics and incorrupt body displayed openly in the basilica named for St. Rita.

Throughout the month, special remembrances, liturgical celebrations, and community observances recognize her holy legacy of faith. Leading up to the May 22 feast date, many faithful participate in the St Rita novena as shared here, intensifying devotional preparations through concentrated prayer.

Those devoted to St. Rita may prayerfully reflect upon stories and virtues from her life in these days approaching her feast celebration. Some commit certain pious acts, offer Mass intentions, or perform works of charity in her name as well. Finally on the feast day itself, religious and laity hold public processions, special Mass ceremonies, or distribute blessed roses associated with beloved St. Rita. All give thanks to God for the graced example of this remarkable woman fully abandoned to His will.

Where is the incorruptible St. Rita body on display?

The precious partial remains of St. Rita of Cascia rest for public veneration inside the Basilica of St. Rita in Cascia, Italy. This church began construction in 1937 and expanded through the years to meet the influx of worldwide devotees arriving on pilgrimage. St. Rita’s body was first buried in 1457, but various later exhumations revealed her body’s unique state of preservation across centuries in undisturbed rest underground.

Today within an ornate glass-faced coffin, visitors behold her face and a portion of body intact while the skeleton’s rib cage and hands have undergone some deterioration over time. Considered wholly incorrupt in traditional Catholic teaching despite partly skeletal remains visible, St. Rita’s body never decayed as expected. This mysterious condition persistently found with certain saints through history (like St. Catherine Laboure’s incorrupt corpse undiscovered for 130 years under the altar) points toward private penitential practices or divine operations quelling natural biological breakdown after death.

Paying respects in personal encounters at her tomb often leaves lasting impressions upon tourists and pilgrims just the same. Many attest to spiritual awakening in St. Rita’s serene presence as intercessor still powerfully invoked through veneration of her visible relics displayed perpetually at the Cascia basilica. Visitors remark on an uncanny impression from her face even centuries later that represent holiness and invites deeper relationship.

What is the story and meaning of St. Rita’s forehead wound?

According to pious traditional legend, a perplexing wound appeared upon St. Rita’s forehead as an adult professing nun that continually seeped, routinely changing the bandages wrapping it. This wound replicated the specific shape, placement and penetration depth of Jesus Christ’s crown of thorns during His Passion.

By such accounts, one winter day St. Rita knelt praying intensely in the convent chapel before a crucifix envisioning Jesus’ agonizing walk to Calvary vividly. Overcome with fervent compassion, she entreated heaven to experience some personal sharing in His most holy suffering out of her exceptional devotion. At once, a thorn fell suddenly impacting her forehead identically as those which pierced Christ’s brow, opening a permanent wound she bore some 15 years until her death.

Broader interpretation suggests that Rita possibly suffered from stigmata – exceptionally rare among canonized saints – wherein the soul is so mystically united to Jesus that His wounds emerge physically manifest on that living person. Alternatively perhaps in youth a wayward thorn created unnoticed micro-wounds prone to chronic infections ultimately creating this persistent sore. Regardless of origination, Rita herself demurred explaining it when pressed by curious sisters. Rather she praised God’s goodness knowing the wound a special gift not to flaunt but for intercessory offering up.

This mysterious gash upon St. Rita’s forehead attracted attention locally then spread abroad the countryside as a miraculous sign of unusual blessedness. The visible painful wound crystalizing such profound spiritual devotion in solidarity with Christ crucified also amplified interest in invoking her prayers for desperate intentions.

Therefore in the St Rita novena prayer opening “O Holy Protectress”, we praise this shining star who guides us through blindly dark times. Saint Rita’s wounded witness empowers perseverance paying any earthly price to abide steadfast in God’s redeeming love.

What are 10 prayers I can say during my St Rita novena?

Enhance your overall St Rita novena prayer experience by including these additional beautiful prayers and devotions along the way:

1. Prayer Before a Crucifix: My good and dear Jesus, I kneel before you, asking you most earnestly to engrave upon my heart a deep and lively faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm resolve to make amends.

2. The Angelus: Traditionally prayed morning, noon, and evening in memory of the Incarnation. Begins: “The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.”

3. The Seven Sorrows Rosary: Unique rosary meditating on the Blessed Mother’s sorrows, seeking her consolation.

4. The Divine Mercy Chaplet: Powerful prayer invoking mercy measuring time with beads, taught by Jesus to St. Faustina.

5. An Act of Contrition: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and I detest my sins because of thy just punishments…

6. Prayer for Impossible Cases: Dearest St. Rita, my powerful advocate…In thee I place my trust. Amen.

7. Magnificat Canticle of Mary: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…”

8. To Saint Rita for Purity: O chaste dove of innocence…Lily of paradise…Mirror of sanctity. Shelter me under thy protection!

9. Special Prayer: Saint Rita, advocate of the impossible, pray for us!

10. Concluding Prayer: Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto You. Amen.

I hope reviewing these enriching additions inspires and supports whatever the focus of your St Rita novena may be. Relying on beloved intercessors like St. Rita and many meaningful prayers paves sturdy holy pathways when we feel powerless to forge ahead alone.

How can I make a Catholic Pilgrimage to St Rita?

My precious friends, just feeling drawn to make a pilgrimage to St. Rita’s sacred shrine and monastery reveals grace already awakening your heart’s longing! Answering this divine call spiritually tracing the earthly footsteps of beloved St. Rita promises such palpable blessings that one can’t help gushing encouragement to souls likewise so nudged. Too few heed the whisper arising within – but you’ve recognized this as God’s Shepherd’s pulling closer some precious lamb. Glorious!

Well then, where might be a fitting destination to prayerfully encounter the holy ground once tread by young Rita Lotti as cherished daughter, newfound bride, suffering mother and finally, veiled Augustinian sister known to future generations as Saint Rita of Cascia? Why naturally by venturing through cascading foothills of central Italy to bucolic Cascia, where her incorrupt body rests openly for veneration still!

Countless pilgrims through the ages have prayerfully gazed upon her unblemished face or knelt at her tomb reporting supernatural consolation or healing emanating from her relics. Within the magnificent Basilica built to honor her legacy looms a larger-than-life size statue before which candles flicker constantly with written prayer intentions surrendured up by teary-eyed devotees daily. What a breathtaking solemn scene meets all who ascend the mountainside city amidst the serene Umbrian landscape still permeated by beloved St. Rita’s lingering heavenly presence so palpably.

But how precisely to make the overseas pilgrimage into St. Rita’s mountainous hometown a reality? Let me enthusiastically point you, as I do all spiritually restless wanderers, toward the excellently coordinated tours organized through the non-profit 206 Tours Roman Catholic pilgrimage company. With deep expertise arranging prayerful visits bringing to life religiously significant historical sites for 30 years now, their highly dedicated travel guides infuse each journey leg with enriching backstories, devotional reflections and of course logistical ease.

Contacting them to map out your initial vision and budget will start efficiently building the itinerary framework according to personalized hopes – never worry! Pray over aspirations, skim through potential offerings on their website , then phone their trusty team anytime with questions prior to committing funds. They flexible craft once-in-a-lifetime faith adventures par excellence!

But above all, keep kindling the simplistic devoted spirit already stirring you toward Cascia. Our merciful God igniting the impulse will masterfully orchestrate the rest through His Divine Providence and Heavenly Mother’s intercession that you arrive safely to sacred spots where dear brave St. Rita’s undying radiance permeates the very air. Such unspeakable joy awaits, beloved one! Soli Deo Gloria!

I know a lot about traveling. I’ve provided some easy resources to help you get ready for your trip.

  1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
  2. A Car Rental
  3. Taxi Drivers
  4. Bus or Train Tickets
  5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
  6. Fun Events for Your Journey
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Phone for Traveling


Time to pack your bags! 🙂

How can making a Catholic Pilgrimage to St Rita help to make me a saint?

Making a Catholic pilgrimage to visit the shrine of St. Rita of Cascia can support one’s spiritual development in concrete ways. By journeying to places associated with Rita’s life, believers engage historical sites to reinforce embodying similar virtues exemplified by this saint across her own earthly journey.

The town of Cascia hosts the Basilica of St. Rita, containing her tomb and partial bodily remains. Seeing Rita’s incorrupt face and contemplating her life through surrounding artwork and architecture nurtures connection. Pilgrims often report inspiring realizations, feeling strengthened through parallels drawn between Rita’s sacrifices and their personal matters requiring faith-rooted perseverance.

By additional touring in Roccaporena where Rita was born in 1381 and became an obedient daughter, arranged wife, then grieving widow and mother, visitors trace her path while reflecting. Seeing Montefalco monastery where Rita pursued religious vocation dedicated to prayer also contextualizes her steadfast devotion. Such historical grounding in the reality of her challenging decisions taken day by day helps pilgrims recognize sanctification’s gradual transformation process.

Through these intentional encounters with Rita’s definitive settings, believers bridge distances across centuries to receive bolstered spiritual companionship. Pilgrims often return newly committed toward holiness and Christ-centered purpose from following such saintly models who faced earthly trials too. By factually engaging sites through informed perspective, visitors allow their analytical minds and contemplative hearts to both unlock timeless wisdom Rita’s journey still speaks today.

The pastoral countryside, ornate Basilica arches and lingering aura of Cascia together facilitate connecting scriptural truths to personalized lessons which enlighten real-world application. Retracing the pilgrim road of St. Rita thus bears tangible spiritual fruits long beyond keepsake photos and travel memories. Through walking knowingly where holy predecessors walked and surrendering to God as they did along the way, devotees open themselves to renewed direction.


After reading about the St Rita Novena, are you feeling encouraged or inspired? Reading and discussing the biographies of saints can be engaging. It is probably going to produce spiritual benefits in our lives.

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These inspiring stories might even persuade them to come to church with you. Even better, perhaps you could introduce them to the Gospel. Are you able to share the gospel with others?

To understand the truth of our existence, Romans 3:23 states that everyone is a sinner and falls short of God’s glory. So, everyone needs a Savior.

To satisfy the requirements of the law and obtain our pardon, God sent His one and only son, Jesus. Galatians 4:4-5

Jesus had to come to Earth, live a sinless life, and die in order for His blood to offer atonement for our sins. This is how the Bible puts it.

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

But, the narrative continued after Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Instead, He conquered the grave and came back to life! Since He is alive, He guarantees that He will also bring us back to life when we pass away! Death and sin were conquered by him. Jesus, I am grateful.

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Through the RCIA, family members, acquaintances, and friends can convert to Catholicism and receive the Holy Sacraments. Through participation in RCIA workshops provided by their parish, students can learn everything there is to know about our wonderful Christian faith and our Loved Jesus.

This is the only true method of saving a life. I’m making this wish for you.

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st rita novena
St Rita Novena

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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