St. Francis of Paola

Unveiling the Holy Life of St. Francis of Paola: 13 Profound Facts About The Saint Who Walked Among Us

Unveiling the Holy Life of St. Francis of Paola: 13 Facts About The Saint Who Walked Among Us

St. Francis of Paola had a fascinating life. St. Francis of Paola went from hermit to wonderworker and from an early age, began to amaze people with his piety and connection with Jesus.
The lovely town of Paola, in the Calabria region of southern Italy, adores him dearly.
We will look at the locations where he worked, prayed, and lived as well as the miracles he accomplished and the influence he had on those around him and later.

Francis of Paola will touch your heart and inspire your soul whether you consider yourself a devout Catholic, a seeker of spirituality, or simply interested in history and culture.
So, let us embark on this journey together and discover the wonders of this beloved saint and the town that bears his name.
St. Francis of Paola
St. Francis of Paola

Who was St. Francis of Paola?

Italian Roman Catholic priest Francis the Wonderworker, better known as Saint Francis of Paola, founded the Order of the Minims. In the sleepy village of Paola, Calabria, he was born on March 27, 1416, and he died there on April 2, 1507.Today, St. Francis of Paola is revered for leading a holy, austere, and devoted life.

Francis was the son of a humble farmer named Giacomo Martolilla and his wife, Vienna. When he was still a child, Francis began to show signs of unusual piety and devotion. He dedicated many hours to prayer, fasting, and charitable deeds. His love and care for all living things made him well known.

As a young man, Francis became a hermit, retreating to a cave on a mountain near his hometown. He spent several years living in solitude, fasting, praying, and practicing severe self-discipline. He had a series of mystical visions and insights during this time, which deepened his spiritual awareness and boosted his faith.

Francis left his hermitage in 1435 and started to travel throughout Italy, preaching the love and compassion of God to anybody who would listen. He gained a reputation for being a holy man and a miracle worker right away, and lots of people looked to him for support and direction.

In 1454, Francis founded the Order of the Minims, a new religious community that focused on simplicity, humility, and poverty. The Minims lived in small communities, and they wore simple habits and ate only what was necessary to sustain life. Francis was renowned for his staunch adherence to these ideals as well as for living a life characterized by great destitution and self-denial.

Francis was adored by the Italian people despite leading a simple life, and the most powerful monarchs of his era respected and looked up to him. He was frequently asked to mediate conflicts between rival factions and was renowned for his ability to bring about amicable settlements.

Francis worked numerous miracles throughout his lifetime, including resurrecting the dead, curing the ill, and calming storms at sea.

St. Leo X canonized him in 1519, and his feast day is April 2.

Francis of Paola was a deeply religious and devoted individual who led a simple, austere, and humble existence.

 He founded the Order of the Minims, a new religious community that focused on these same principles, and he performed many miracles throughout his life. He is revered now as a saint and a role model for sanctity for everyone who wish to walk in his shoes.

Where did Saint Francis of Paola live?

Francis worked numerous miracles throughout his lifetime, including resurrecting the dead, curing the ill, and calming storms at sea.
His feast day is April 2nd, and he was canonized by Pope Leo X in 1519. However, he always remained deeply rooted in his hometown of Paola and founded his religious order there.

In the province of Cosenza, the charming town of Paola is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast. The town is renowned for its gorgeous churches, breathtaking beaches, and delectable cuisine.

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Where is St. Francis of Paola buried?

Francis of Paola, who was 91 years old when he passed away in 1507, was buried at the basilica named after him.
The basilica is a magnificent example of Italian Baroque architecture and one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Italy. The basilica is also home to a museum that showcases St. Francis of Paola’s life, his works, and his legacy.

Paola is also known for its rich cultural heritage, which includes its delicious cuisine, traditional crafts, and colorful festivals. The town’s cuisine is a fusion of ancient Greek, Arab, and Italian influences and includes delicious dishes such as swordfish, ‘nduja (a spicy spreadable salami), and the famous Calabrian chili pepper.

Paola is a town with a rich history and a deep connection to St. Francis of Paola. This town’s natural beauty, rich history, and friendly residents make it a must-see for anybody with an interest in history, culture, or spirituality. St. Francis of Paola’s legacy lives on in the town, and his inspiring life and works continue to inspire people around the world.

How can I make a pilgrimage to visit St. Francis of Paola?

Making a pilgrimage is an incredible way to strengthen and grow your faith. It’s also just downright fun!

I’ll show you how you can make a pilgrimage to visit St. Francis of Paola, along with many other saints for an experience that will change your spiritual life for the rest of your life.

First, you’ll want to head to The Basilica of Saint Francis of Paola. It is in the center of the town and you can visit it every day between 7:00 AM and 12:30 PM and again between 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM.

Admission is free, and visitors are welcome to attend mass and other religious services. The basilica is also home to a museum that showcases St. Francis of Paola’s life, works, and legacy.

San Francesco di Paola
San Francesco di Paola

There are many choices accessible to you if you want to travel to Paola as part of a pilgrimage.
Traveling individually or joining a guided tour, which might provide a more in-depth experience, are also options. Many Catholic pilgrimage tours include Paola as part of their itinerary, so it is worth exploring your options.

Another practical consideration is accommodation. Paola has several hotels and guesthouses that cater to pilgrims, and many of them are located within walking distance of the basilica. It is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak pilgrimage seasons.

Making travel arrangements for your pilgrimage

I love traveling, and I believe that going on a pilgrimage to see the saints can eternally educate your mind and heart in a way like nothing else can.

I’ve visited so many countries in the world from America to Scotland, Korea to Hong Kong, my beloved Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and all of Israel are among the countries that I’ve been blessed to see. I’ll even be visiting Turkey soon!

I know what you might need when traveling so I’ve compiled some go-to links to help you book all your travel needs. Here are some links to look at while you get ready for your pilgrimage:

  1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
  2. A Car Rental
  3. Taxi Drivers
  4. Bus or Train Tickets
  5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
  6. Fun Events for Your Journey
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Phone for Traveling


All that’s left to do is pray, do your research, and pack your luggage now that that’s taken care of! 🙂

What others saints are buried near Paola, Italy?

Now, let’s turn our attention to other saints who are buried near Paola, Italy.

  1. One notable example is St. Euphemia, who is considered the patron saint of Calabria. Her remains are interred in the beautiful Cathedral of Sant’Eufemia a Rende, which is located about 30 minutes away from Paola. The cathedral is an impressive example of Baroque architecture and is a popular pilgrimage site.
  2. Another important saint who is connected to Paola is St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order. While he is not buried near Paola, he is revered by many in the town, and his teachings have influenced the spirituality of St. Francis of Paola and the Minim order.

Making a pilgrimage to visit St. Francis of Paola can be a deeply enriching experience for those who seek spiritual nourishment and historical context. Paola is a town with a rich religious heritage and a warm and welcoming community that is eager to share its treasures with visitors.

So, if you are planning a pilgrimage to Italy, be sure to include Paola in your itinerary and discover the beauty and spirituality of this enchanting town for yourself.

What else is there to do in Paola, Italy?

Paola is a charming town located in the Calabria region of Italy, on the Tyrrhenian coast. Due to its extensive history, breathtaking beauty, and mouthwatering cuisine, it is a well-liked vacation spot for both Italian and foreign travelers.

The Aragonese Castle, a 15th-century medieval fortification, is one of Paola’s prime tourist destinations. The castle, which Ferdinand I of Aragon built to protect the town from pirate invasions, is now a museum where a collection of historical relics, including weaponry, armor, and pottery, is kept.

If you are a lover of nature, Paola has plenty to offer as well. The hamlet is situated at the base of the Sila Mountains, a well-liked hiking and outdoor recreation area. In addition to housing numerous species, such as wolves, bears, and eagles, the Sila National Park also provides breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

And of course, no visit to Paola would be complete without sampling some of the local cuisine. The Calabrian region is known for its delicious food, and Paola is no exception. Some of the local specialties include ‘nduja, a spicy spreadable salami, and the famous red onion of Tropea, which is sweet and mild and can be found in many dishes.

What is St Francis of Paola the patron saint of?

St. Francis of Paola was a humble man who dedicated his life to serving God and helping others. He is the patron saint of several groups and causes, including:

  • seafarers
  • boatmen
  • fishermen
  • He is also invoked by those who are seeking healing, especially from eye diseases.

St. Francis of Paola is a beloved saint who continues to inspire and guide people around the world. His lessons on humility, compassion, and service are ageless, and his legacy endures in the Italian town of Paola and beyond. The Sila National Park is home to breathtaking views of the surroundings and is home to numerous species, including wolves, bears, and eagles.

St. Francis of Paola
St. Francis of Paola

What is a prayer to St. Francis of Paola?

One way that we can connect with St. Francis of Paola is through prayer. Here is a prayer to St. Francis of Paola that you can recite:

“O Saint Francis of Paola, you who lived a life of profound humility, self-denial, and service to God and your fellow man, I ask for your intercession. Help me to follow in your footsteps and to imitate your virtues of humility, faith, and charity.

Teach me to love God above all things and to love my neighbor as myself. Help me to overcome my weaknesses and to grow in holiness each day. I ask for your special intercession in [insert your intention here].

I trust in your powerful intercession, O Saint Francis of Paola, and I thank you for your continued prayers for me and for all those who call upon your name. Amen.”

How can St. Francis of Paola help me to become a saint?

In addition to prayer, we can also look to St. Francis of Paola as a model of holiness and seek his guidance in our own spiritual journeys. He can help us to grow in humility, selflessness, and love for God and others.

We must first and foremost work to strengthen our relationship with God by prayer, the sacraments, and leading a good life if we are to become saints. St. Francis of Paola can inspire us to do just that, by showing us the way of humility, self-denial, and service to God and others.

We can also ask for his intercession and guidance in our spiritual struggles and challenges. By looking to St. Francis of Paola as a spiritual guide and mentor, we can grow in holiness and become the saints that God created us to be.

In conclusion, St. Francis of Paola is not only a historical figure but also a spiritual guide and mentor for all of us. Through prayer and seeking his intercession and guidance, we can deepen our relationship with God and grow in holiness, becoming the saints that God created us to be.

Are You Inspired?

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St. Francis of Paola
St. Francis of Paola

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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