St. Benedict Joseph Labre

From Beggar to Saint: 10 Facts on the Incredible Story of St. Benedict Joseph Labre and the Lessons We Can Learn

From Beggar to Saint: 10 Facts on the Incredible Story of St. Benedict Joseph Labre and the Lessons We Can Learn

St. Benedict Joseph Labre remained devoted to his calling and unwavering in his faith. St. Benedict Joseph Labre is a testament to the power of perseverance, and his legacy has continued to inspire countless people around the world.

So, let’s take a closer look at the life and teachings of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, and see how his story can help us find strength and purpose in our own lives.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre
St. Benedict Joseph Labre

What was St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s childhood like?

St. Benedict Joseph Labre was a humble and devout saint who lived in the 18th century. His life was marked by a deep faith and an unwavering commitment to serving others, particularly those who were less fortunate than himself. But before he became a beloved figure in the Catholic Church, he was just a young boy growing up in a small village in France.

Benedict Joseph Labre was born on March 26, 1748, in Amettes, a village in the north of France. He was the eldest of fifteen children born to a prosperous family who owned a small farm. Benedict’s parents, Jean-Baptiste and Anne Labre, were deeply religious and instilled a strong faith in their children from an early age.

As a child, Benedict was known for his quiet and introspective nature. He was a serious and studious boy, often spending long hours reading and praying. He was particularly drawn to the lives of the saints, and would spend hours poring over books about their heroic deeds and holy lives.

Despite his piety, however, Benedict struggled with his studies. He was not a gifted student, and found it difficult to keep up with his peers. This caused him great anxiety and frustration, and he often felt discouraged and disheartened.

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But despite these struggles, Benedict remained steadfast in his faith. He found solace in prayer, and would often spend hours in the local church, kneeling before the altar and communing with God. He was deeply committed to living a life of holiness and virtue, and was determined to overcome his weaknesses and shortcomings.

As Benedict grew older, he felt a growing sense of longing to devote his life to God. He felt called to leave his family and home, and to live a life of poverty and simplicity, following in the footsteps of the saints he had read about as a child. And so, at the age of 16, Benedict set out on a pilgrimage, wandering from town to town, and living as a beggar.

This was the beginning of Benedict’s remarkable journey of faith, a journey that would lead him to become one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. Despite his humble origins, Benedict’s life would be marked by a profound love for God and a deep commitment to serving others. And it all began with a simple, unassuming childhood in a small village in France.

Where is St. Benedict Joseph Labre buried?

St. Benedict Joseph Labre died in Rome, Italy, on April 16, 1783. He was buried in the church of Santa Maria ai Monti, which is located in the heart of Rome. This church is a popular destination for pilgrims who come to pay their respects to St. Benedict Joseph Labre and to seek his intercession.

The church of Santa Maria ai Monti is a beautiful and historic church that dates back to the 16th century. It is located near the Colosseum and is easily accessible by public transportation. The church is open to the public and welcomes visitors from all over the world who come to pray and to honor the memory of St. Benedict Joseph Labre.

How do I make a pilgrimage to visit St. Benedict Joseph Labre?

Making a pilgrimage to visit St. Benedict Joseph Labre is a deeply personal and meaningful experience. If you’re planning a pilgrimage to Rome, there are several things you can do to make the most of your visit to the church of Santa Maria ai Monti.

  • First, take some time to learn about St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s life and legacy. Read books and articles about his extraordinary journey of faith, and reflect on how his example can inspire you to deepen your own relationship with God.
  • When you arrive at the church of Santa Maria ai Monti, take some time to pray and to reflect on St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s life and teachings. You may wish to light a candle in his honor or to offer a prayer of thanks for his intercession.
  • Finally, consider making a donation to support the church and its mission. Many churches rely on the generosity of pilgrims and visitors to maintain their historic buildings and to support their charitable works.

What other saints are buried in Rome?

One such saint is St. Peter, who is buried in the famous St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. St. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and was considered the first bishop of Rome, making his burial site one of the most important in all of Christendom.

Another significant saint buried in Rome is St. Paul. His tomb is located in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, which is one of the city’s four papal basilicas. St. Paul was an important figure in the early Christian Church and is known for his many letters, which make up a significant portion of the New Testament.

Other saints buried in Rome include St. Lawrence, who is buried in the Church of San Lorenzo in Lucina, and St. Agnes, whose tomb is located in the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone. These saints, along with many others, are honored throughout Rome with shrines, chapels, and other monuments.

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The rest is just planning, researching, and packing your bags! 🙂

Best St. Benedict Joseph Labre Quotes

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best St. Benedict Joseph Labre quotes. Despite living over two centuries ago, his words still hold relevance and wisdom for us today.

“Let us abandon ourselves to God’s Providence with complete confidence.”

“Practice charity towards all creatures, especially to the poor and afflicted.”

“Have a great love for prayer, and teach it to all. A soul which is capable of prayer is capable of anything.”

“Do not let yourself be overcome by difficulties, but rather, be strengthened by them.”

“Be detached from all things and you will be able to possess all things.”

These quotes from St. Benedict Joseph Labre demonstrate his deep faith, humility, and commitment to serving others. They are an inspiration to all of us, reminding us of the importance of trust in God, compassion for our fellow human beings, and a life of prayer and detachment.

Rome is a city steeped in history and spirituality, and its many saints and holy sites are a testament to the enduring power of faith. As we reflect on the lives and teachings of saints like St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Benedict Joseph Labre, may we be inspired to deepen our own faith and live a life of service to others.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre
St. Benedict Joseph Labre CC

What is St. Benedict Joseph Labre the patron saint of?

St. Benedict Joseph Labre is the patron saint of a variety of groups and causes, including bachelors, homeless people, itinerant people, and beggars. He is also known as the patron saint of pilgrims due to his own journey of wandering throughout Europe in search of spiritual enlightenment.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s life was characterized by poverty, humility, and self-sacrifice. He gave up all of his material possessions in order to live a life of prayer and devotion. His commitment to God and his fellow human beings has made him a beloved figure among Catholics around the world.

What is a St Benedict Joseph Labre prayer I can pray?

If you’re looking for a prayer to say in honor of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, here’s a simple one that you can use:

Dear St. Benedict Joseph Labre, you who lived a life of poverty and devotion, we ask for your intercession before our Lord. Help us to remember the importance of humility, self-sacrifice, and compassion for others. Guide us on our own journeys of faith, and help us to remain steadfast in our devotion to God. Amen.

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This prayer is a simple but powerful way to honor St. Benedict Joseph Labre and ask for his guidance and intercession. Whether you’re a pilgrim on a spiritual journey or simply seeking to deepen your own faith, may St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s example inspire you to live a life of service, humility, and devotion to God.

Best St. Benedict Joseph Labre Rosary

The St. Benedict Joseph Labre rosary is a unique and powerful tool for those seeking to deepen their devotion to this beloved saint. The rosary is made up of ten brown wooden beads, representing St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s humble and austere way of life. The larger bead, often made of metal, is adorned with an image of the saint, allowing the faithful to meditate on his example and seek his intercession.

In addition to its unique design, the St. Benedict Joseph Labre rosary is also prayed in a special way. Instead of the traditional “Hail Mary” prayer, the faithful recite the “Ave Benedict Joseph” prayer, asking for the saint’s intercession and guidance on their own spiritual journey.

How can St. Benedict Joseph Labre help me to become a saint?

St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s life was marked by a deep commitment to prayer and self-sacrifice. He gave up all of his material possessions and lived a life of poverty in order to better serve God and his fellow human beings.

In our own lives, we can follow St. Benedict Joseph Labre’s example by prioritizing prayer, humility, and service to others. We can ask for his intercession and guidance on our own journey towards sainthood, trusting that his example of selflessness and devotion can help us to grow closer to God and become better versions of ourselves.

In conclusion, the St. Benedict Joseph Labre rosary is a powerful tool for those seeking to deepen their devotion to this beloved saint.

Through his example of prayer and self-sacrifice, St. Benedict Joseph Labre can help us on our own journey towards sainthood. May we all strive to follow his example and live lives marked by humility, service, and devotion to God.

Are You Inspired?

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St. Benedict Joseph Labre
St. Benedict Joseph Labre

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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