Short Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times: 14 Top Tips When On the Brink of Collapse

Short Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times: 14 Top Tips When On the Brink of Collapse

Are you looking for a Short Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times? When the storms of life are raging, we can feel utterly spent, ready to give up. Yet in those short prayer for strength during difficult times, we have a compassionate God who promises to lift and carry us. Our souls can still sing through the sorrow when we continually cry out to Him. Short prayer for strength during difficult times become our lifeline of hope floating in a sea of chaos, ushering peace in place of panic.

We serve an ever-present Helper who longs to redeem our pain, bless our obedience, and write beautiful redemption stories with the fragments of our lives. But it begins with a whisper, a desperate sigh of “Jesus, help me, I need you” when our human strength fails us. Then, miracle upon miracle, we are filled to overflow simply by resting in who He is.

Short prayer for strength during difficult times
Short prayer for strength during difficult times

Does your spirit ache and yearn for restoration? Have the winds and waves of unexpected change left you overwhelmed and exhausted? Dear one, there is good news. You have direct access to the heartbeat of your Creator through these Short prayer for strength during difficult times. He is eager to flood your soul with exactly what you need if you will call upon Him. Won’t you allow Him to walk the path by your side?

Prayer can be a powerful way to find strength, hope and peace when you are facing trials and challenges in life. In difficult times, we can call on God’s love and care through short yet meaningful prayers. This post explores several questions around prayer for strength during struggles, with the goal of providing comfort, wisdom and support when you need it most.

What is a good short prayer for strength during difficult times?

“Lord, grant me strength for today and every day. Calm my anxious thoughts and give me courage to face each challenge. Though the path seems unclear, may I walk in faith, trusting Your loving guidance. Amen.”

This Short prayer for strength during difficult times acknowledges our human frailty while calling on God’s strength. By asking for strength for today, it emphasizes getting through one day at a time. Calling on God to calm anxious thinking and grant courage also acknowledges the daily struggles we face. It’s a good short prayer for strength during difficult times that can be easily memorized and said in tough moments.

What does the Bible say about finding strength in hard times?

The Bible offers much wisdom about gaining strength, hope and renewal during seasons of hardship or trial. One key verse is Isaiah 40:31 (NIV):

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

This verse emphasizes the importance of hope and faith in God as the source of strength and vitality. Other Bible verses point to God as a rock, fortress, refuge and ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 9:9-10, Psalm 46:1). Jesus also offers comforting words in John 16:33 (NIV):

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Through scripture, we learn we can turn to Jesus for peace and find the power to overcome obstacles and hardships with God’s help.

How can I pray for strength and courage when going through struggles?

If you are feeling overwhelmed in the face of challenges, try praying:

“Father God, I am weary and feeling afraid, but I know you are always with me. Please grant me strength and courage for this situation I am facing. Help me feel Your loving presence within me. Please walk closely beside me and guide my thoughts, words and actions. Thank you for the strength and wisdom only You can provide. Amen.”

In this heartfelt Short prayer for strength during difficult times, we admit our struggle openly to God while affirming our faith in His constant presence. Asking for strength, courage, guidance and thanking God for loving care can help provide stability and direction. You can also insert your specific need or challenge in place of “this situation I am facing.” As you turn it over to God, believe He hears and will uplift you.

What are some encouraging Bible verses to pray when I feel weak?

Some encouraging Bible verses you can pray when feeling your weakest include:

Psalm 18:1-2 – “I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.”

Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the Lord your God goes with you.”

Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”

Jeremiah 29:11 – “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'”

You can speak these Bible verses aloud in prayer to claim God’s promises of strength, courage and hope. Allow God’s Word to lift and empower you when doubts creep in. Repeat them slowly like a chant or comforting mantra.

What should I pray when I feel depressed and need strength?

If depression and sadness threaten to overwhelm you, try this Short prayer for strength during difficult times:

“Lord, I feel desperate and so down. Please meet me in this dark place and be my only light. Surround me with your loving presence. Strengthen and sustain me as I take refuge in you. Help me hold on and walk forward trusting you will lift this burden in time. I choose to anchor myself to your hope and healing power.Amen.”

Admitting the depth of pain to God shows trust in His compassion and care. Calling on God’s presence, strength, hope and refuge allow Him to lift and renew our spirit. By affirming trust in God’s promise of hope and healing despite our frail emotions, we claim spiritual truths greater than our temporary reality. God cares deeply and offers rest to the weary soul (Matthew 11:28). Allow Him to comfort and carry you.

Short prayer for strength during difficult times
Short prayer for strength during difficult times

What are Short prayer for strength during difficult times I can say when facing trials?

God invites us to present both major worries and daily struggles to Him in prayer. Even simple, Short prayer for strength during difficult times still access God’s power and care. Here are some brief but meaningful prayers for strength when trials come:

“Lord, help me.”
“I need You today.”
“Please carry me through this.”
“Strengthen and guide me.”
“I trust You, Lord.”

Sometimes we don’t have the words or focus to pray verbose requests. And that’s okay because Scripture says the Holy Spirit Himself will intercede for us according to God’s will (Romans 8:26-27). A Short prayer for strength during difficult times is just as powerful as a long one if offered from the heart, believing God understands completely what we face. Return to these Short prayer for strength during difficult times as one-line “popcorn prayers” during the day to gain strength.

How can I pray for strength to get through family problems or relationship issues?

Human relationships can bring deep joy but also misunderstandings, conflicts, and pain. During strained or broken family ties, separation, or divorce, pray in faith:

“Father, only You fully understand the hurt in my heart. I pray You give me supernatural strength and grace to walk through this relationship storm. Help me act and speak with wisdom and compassion. Please heal wounds that only You see. Strengthen my trust in Your purpose and love for me and my loved ones during this difficulty. Thank You for always being my shelter and hope.Amen.”

Rather than placing blame on someone, this petition asks God for personal strength and grace. Calling on God’s help to develop Christ-like understanding and patience amid strife can nudge relationships toward restoration in God’s timing. We also ask God to mend invisible wounds and acknowledge that He alone sees the full truth of each heart. Despite the trial, God remains sovereign.

What are some good Short prayer for strength during difficult times and patience in stressful situations?

When demands, uncertainty, and pressures mount, we can cry out to God for relief through Short prayer for strength during difficult times like this:

“Lord, so much weighs on me today. Calm my racing thoughts and steady my heart. Give me supernatural strength and patience to tackle each priority and decision. Help me pause and listen for Your whisper of direction so I know the very next step. Guard my heart against discouragement. Renew my mind and energy through Your spirit within me. I declare I can rely fully on You for wisdom and strength each day. Amen!”

As children of God, we have the divine power to equip and renew our minds and energy in the face of hectic schedules. Taking a moment to call on God’s wisdom for clarity and priorities can help prevent discouragement and burnout. We can stand firm in faith and victory through Christ’s spirit at work in us (Philippians 4:13).

What are some Short prayer for strength during difficult times and peace of mind when anxious?

Worry and anxiety sometimes ambush our days with relentless mental looping. But we can find relief through Short prayer for strength during difficult times like these:

“Jesus, please quiet my anxious thoughts.”
“Lord, steady my heart. Give me Your perfect peace.”
“God help me release this worry to You now.”
“Thank You, Lord, for being in control.”
“I trust You, not my anxiety, oh Lord.”

Naming our specific stressor is optional. The goal is to invite God into our chaotic thought-life and our need for stillness…for renewed faith in His reliability versus dread. Don’t underestimate the power of a short, punchy Short prayer for strength during difficult times uttered sincerely in a difficult moment! Try writing down these prayers to save on your phone for quick access too.

What are some examples of Short prayer for strength during difficult times asking God for strength and endurance?

Whether through long-term or temporary trials, we can petition God for perseverance through struggles in various ways, including:

“Father, it is so hard to keep believing this situation will improve. Please increase my hope, faith, and trust to withstand this stormy season. Carry my weariness and doubts for me.”

“Lord, I feel so timid and afraid of what might happen. Help me feel Your fierce and protective love. Awaken bold trust in Your power and purpose for me.”

“God, just help me take one more step, then another, and another today. I commit this day fully into Your hands.”

“Lord, I am running so low on strength and positivity. Renew and refresh me at the heart level through Your living water flowing within me.”

“I affirm that through Christ’s power, I am more than able to withstand every challenge that arises. Hallelujah that His strength shows as mighty in my weakness! Thank You, God!”

What Short prayer for strength during difficult times can I say to ask God to help me be strong when I feel like giving up?

When weariness, despair, or self-pity tempt you to throw in the towel altogether, cry out to God for a surge of hope through powerful and Short prayer for strength during difficult times such as:

“Lord, help me press on because You know the way.”
“I feel done, God, but I declare I will trust in You for a little longer”
“God, empower me freshly. Revive my weary soul.”
“For all that feels impossible now, You promise to make a way. Sustain me.”

Even a desperate sigh asking God to take over because we cannot sprout strength through surrender. Allow these short but soulful petitions to align your heart with God’s when you feel most defeated. He will surely meet you in that place (Psalm 34:17-18).

Difficult seasons and heavy burdens can threaten to undo anyone if carried alone. Yet walking closely with God through prayer lightens the load tremendously. His strength and peace flow as we call out to Him from even the most battered places within us. We serve a God who separates light from darkness, who revives the lowly soul, and who promises to work even pain for good in our lives.

May the prayers and Bible verses here remind you of His powerful help at all times. You need to only lean into Him during hard times, whispering desperate prayers as often as needed until relief comes. He hears you and holds you. Allow His living water to fill you continually.

How can I make a Catholic Pilgrimage to see strength arise during difficult times?

Going on a pilgrimage can be a moving experience to seek spiritual renewal and closeness with God during seasons of hardship. Consider embarking on a meaningful Catholic pilgrimage to a site like Lourdes, France, where over 200 million people have visited in hopes of physical and spiritual healing since the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes in 1858. Pray in the spring when miraculous cures have occurred, asking God to increase your faith and grant you strength. Visit the Grotto where St. Bernadette had visions of Mary. Light candles, attend mass, go to reconciliation, submerge in the baths, and meditate on the life of St. Bernadette, who modeled grace despite trials. Open your heart to God’s restorative love.

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Making travel arrangements to see God’s strength emerge in difficult times

Discern which holy pilgrimage site calls to your spirit, such as Fatima, Medjugorje, the Holy Land, Rome, or elsewhere. Research times, transportation, and lodging. Save resources over time if needed. Envision the journey coming together smoothly when doubts arise. Pray a Short prayer for strength during difficult times like “God, please guide my path to the holy ground where I can draw close to You” or “Lord, remove any blocks as I prepare this pilgrimage for spiritual strengthening.” Share your hopes with others and invite prayers on your behalf too. Stay encouraged that God can use this spiritual quest to renew your soul in miraculous ways!

How can going on pilgrimage help to make me a saint during difficult times?

The devout practice of pilgrimage places our temporary earthly troubles into eternal perspective. Like the saints, you can use the journey to deepen your surrender to God’s will, cultivate courage, and develop empathy and gratitude that outweigh hardship. Follow inspirational saint quotes and stories as you prepare for pilgrimage.

Choose a patron saint like St. Rita (impossible causes) or St. Dymphna (anxiety, mental health) to connect with more during your pilgrimage. Bring a meaningful token on the journey to create tangible touchpoint reminders, such as holding a stone, shell, or cross. Setting the intention to carry transformative insights from your spiritual travels into everyday life will help you emerge sanctified. Rely on God’s strength to help you take the light gained back home.

May these reflections awaken fresh excitement, faith, and tenacity to move toward the holy ground calling your name! God promises we will mount up healing wings like eagles when we wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31). Allow your spirit to take flight through a powerful pilgrimage that renews you to thrive with resilience well beyond those trying seasons. You are strengthened for the journey ahead!


After reading about this Short prayer for strength during difficult times, do you feel inspired or encouraged? Saints’ biographies can make for interesting reading and conversation. It will probably bear spiritual fruit in our lives.

Would you like to have a simple conversation with your loved ones about the saints? Instead of just buying one of these incredible shirts that I made especially for you? The search bar at the top of this page allows you to look up your favorite well-known saints. If someone were to inquire about the significance of your attire, you could respond by citing the lives of your favorite well-known saints.

These motivational tales may even convince them to accompany you to church. Better yet, you might be able to share the Gospel with them. Can you effectively spread the gospel to others?

In short, everyone is a sinner and falls short of God’s glory, according to Romans 3:23. Everyone therefore requires a Savior.

God sent His one and only son to fulfill the law’s requirements in order to make atonement for our sins.

In order to provide the greatest possible atonement for our sins through His blood, Jesus had to come to Earth, live a perfect life, and die. This is how the Bible states it.

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

However, the story did not end with Jesus’ burial, crucifixion, and execution. Rather, He rose from the dead! He promises that since He is alive, so will we be alive after death. Sin and death were vanquished by Him!

Inform your loved ones, acquaintances, and friends of this crucial information, and then extend an invitation to the RCIA session at the nearby Catholic church.

Family members, friends, and acquaintances can become Catholic Church members and be eligible to receive the Holy Sacraments through the RCIA. By taking part in RCIA workshops offered by their parish, students can gain comprehensive knowledge about our amazing Christian faith and our beloved Jesus.

This is the real method of saving a life. I’m praying for you.

Click HERE or on the image to view this Short prayer for strength during difficult times T-shirt that was specially created for you. Choose your favorite size and color, then click the BUY NOW button to proceed to the payment page.

You can access a list of additional well-known saints from our website by clicking HERE.

Saint Monica Prayer
List of Saints and What They Protect

Are you free to read about another saint now that you have read the Short prayer for strength during difficult times?

Why not look into:

Have you thought about coming back to this website every day to read more about the Saint of the Day after reading this Short prayer for strength during difficult times? Please take a moment to sign up if you would like my daily saint emails delivered straight to your inbox. I’ll be brief because I know you have a lot on your plate, but I’ll say more because I want you to be motivated by me to always strive for growth.

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb


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