“Novena for Marriage”- Discover Top 10 Tips on How to find a Spouse or Heal your Marriage
Seeking God’s blessing on your marriage? Discover the power of the Novena for Marriage. This ancient devotion of nine day prayer Novena for Marriage can rejuvenate and reconnect couples through the grace of focused, persevering prayer for marriage.
When we pray a novena for marriage, we humbly invite God into every corner of our relationship and entrust its cares to Him. By persistently praying for nine days, we allow the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts, untie the knots, and mend all that divides husband and wife. For marriages struggling through difficult seasons or simply desiring greater sacredness, a novena for marriage opens channels of grace to rediscover affection, passion, and purpose.
Through Mary’s nurturing motherhood and the communion of saints, novena for marriage prayers wrap marriages in spiritual protection and guidance. As we ask in focused supplication for nine days, the Lord shapes our marriages into the thriving, resilient covenants He desires them to be. Come discover how this simple devotion of the novena for marriage can transform your relationship into a powerhouse of holiness!
What is a novena for marriage?
A novena for marriage is a series of prayers said over the course of 9 days, asking for divine intervention and grace for one’s marriage. Novenas are often prayed to seek help and healing for marriages that are struggling or in crisis.
They can also be prayed by couples seeking to deepen their bond and bring their marriage closer to God. The use of this novena for marriage stems from the Catholic tradition of novenas – 9 days of devotional prayer focused on a specific intention.
When we pray a novena for marriage, we humbly and sincerely ask God to infuse our marriage with love, unity, understanding, and faith. By persistently praying and surrendering our marriages to the Lord for 9 days, we open ourselves up to experience renewal and transformation.
The 9 day Novena for Marriage goes like this…
Day 1:
Opening Prayer:
Dear Lord, we begin this novena asking that our hearts may be open to Your will for our marriage. Help us let go of our own desires and expectations so we can see the path You have set before us. Teach us to trust in Your wisdom and providence, even when it doesn’t align with our own. We pray for the grace to accept Your plan for us. May our love grow ever stronger as we walk in faith together, led by You our loving Creator.
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Closing Prayer: Lord, we entrust our hearts and our marriage into Your hands. Lead us according to Your divine purpose. Fill us with hope and joyful anticipation as we walk the path You have chosen for us, together in faith, hope, and love. Amen.
Day 2:
Opening Prayer:
Lord Jesus, on this second day of our novena we ask Your healing and forgiveness upon our marriage. Cleanse us of all anger, resentment, and bitterness we harbor. Help us forgive completely as You have forgiven us. Heal the wounds of past hurts, betrayals, conflicts, and broken trust. Restore our hearts to love. Make our marriage a place of comfort, compassion, and fresh beginnings. Build up our relationship on the firm foundation of Your mercy.
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:12-13 – “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other.”
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of forgiveness and new beginnings. Cover our marriage in the healing balm of Your mercy. Help us release all that stands in the way of reconciliation. Renew our covenant of love. Amen.
Day 3:
Opening Prayer:
On this third day, Lord, we ask for greater unity between us. Help us grow as close as humanly possible, while still reserving the inner sanctuary of our hearts for You alone. Make our thoughts one, give us shared dreams, and help us delight in each other fully. Free us from whatever holds us back from perfect communion. With You at the center knitting our souls together, nothing can separate us. We ask for the miracle of oneness.
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
Closing Prayer: Lord, mold our hearts and minds together into one united whole. May we honor You by loving each other with patience, kindness, humility, and joy. Draw us ever closer, that we may reflect the divine unity of the Trinity. Amen.
Day 4:
Opening Prayer:
Heavenly Father, on the fourth day of this novena we earnestly desire to love each other with generosity, sacrifice, and joy. Release us from selfishness regarding money, time, energy, or gifts. Teach us to give freely without expecting a return, purely delighting in each other’s happiness. Help us serve humbly, laugh easily, care deeply, and cherish gratefully. Our one concern is the welfare of our beloved – for this is Your perfect love. Infuse our relationship with a selfless love that never fails.
Scripture Reading: John 15:12 – “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
Closing Prayer: Lord, pour out Your liberating love into our hearts and marriage. Free us to love boldly, give freely, and forgive completely. In all we do, help us emulate the sacrificial love of Christ. Let us love each other unconditionally. Amen.
Day 5:
Opening Prayer:
Lord, on this fifth day we ask for Your joy to fill our marriage to overflowing. Sometimes the pressures, struggles, and routines of life drain our joy until we feel empty and weary. Renew our energy, delight, and zest for life. Let laughter, adventure, and celebration characterize our relationship. Make each moment together a treasure. Open our eyes to the beauty and simple pleasures that refresh our souls. Fan the flames of passion and romance to excite our union. May the miracle of Your abiding joy lift every burden from our hearts.
Scripture Reading: John 15:11 – “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, pour joy into the deepest crevices of our hearts and marriage. Lighten our spirits with childlike wonder, and give us strength to seize each day together. Let the radiance of Your love shine through us. Amen.
Day 6:
Opening Prayer:
Lord, on the sixth day of this novena, we pray to grow in holiness together as a couple. Surround us with Your sanctifying grace so we reflect You through our marriage. Convict our hearts when we fall short. Discipline us in love when we stray from virtue. Inspire us with holy dreams. Call us to rise above mediocrity to the heights of heroic purity and devotion. Mold us into an unshakeable rock of faithfulness for each other and for You. Shape our characters into maturity and wisdom. Set our relationship alight as an inspiring witness that leads others to You.
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1 – “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
Closing Prayer: Merciful Savior, purify our hearts and relationship of all that separates us from You. Strengthen our bond to reflect the sacredness of the Holy Trinity. Transform us into saints steadfast in love and heroic in virtue. May we grow ever closer on our journey toward heaven. Amen.
Day 7:
Opening Prayer:
Heavenly Father, on this seventh day we ask for the grace to put You at the center of our marriage. We can do nothing without You. Be the unshakeable foundation on which our covenant is built. Nourish the roots of our relationship in scripture, prayer, and the sacraments so we grow strong. Orient our hearts always toward You, our loving Creator, so we never lose our way. With Your wise guidance, we cannot falter. With Your infinite love, our own love is complete. Renew in us the vows spoken on our wedding day to remain faithful to You and each other all the days of our lives.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:1 – “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”
Closing Prayer: Lord, we recommit our marriage to You this day. We cannot go it alone. Come dwell in our home and in our hearts. Teach us, guide us, correct us, and love us. Without You, we are lost. Build our marriage into a dwelling place for You. Amen.
Day 8:
Opening Prayer:
Good and Gracious God, on this eighth day we pray for an outpouring of blessings upon our marriage. Send forth Your Holy Spirit to reveal any way we have not been a blessing to each other. Show us how to grow in faithfulness, generosity, patience, understanding, and joy in each other. Open our eyes to see any lurking idols or misaligned priorities. Help us release past hurts and grudges that restrict blessings from flowing freely. Through Your mercy, transform all pain into wholeness. Bind every broken place. Infuse our relationship with passion, romance, and excitement befitting of a holy calling such as marriage. Rain down rivers of delightful blessings that our cup overflows.
Scripture Reading: Tobit 8:5b-7 – “Blessed are you, O God of our fathers, and blessed is your holy and glorious name forever. Let the heavens and all your creations bless you forever. You made Adam, and you made his wife Eve to be his helper and support; and from these two the human race has come. You said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a helper like himself.’ And so I do not take my sister for any lustful reason, but I do it in singleness of heart. Be kind enough to have pity on her and on me and bring us to old age together.”
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before You with open and expectant hearts, awaiting the bountiful blessings You desire to pour upon our marriage. Fulfill every need and every dream as You see fit. Deepen our love and faith through blessings received. Let Your face shine upon us. Amen.
Day 9:
Opening Prayer:
Dear Lord, we come to the final day of this novena with hearts overflowing with gratitude for Your faithfulness. Thank You for every grace, mercy, gift, and breakthrough over these past nine days. Thank You for taking our humble prayers and making them Your own. Thank You for allowing us to experience You and feel Your presence in new ways. We are awestruck by Your goodness. Increase our gratitude each day so we never take this priceless gift of marriage for granted. Make us quick to thank, slow to complain and always rejoicing in each other and this life together.
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:15-17 – “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are overwhelmed by Your faithfulness! Thank You for transforming our marriage through this novena. May our lives give You glory through constant thanksgiving. Let us never cease to praise You for this gift of marriage. May it ever lead us closer to You. Amen.
What is the novena prayer for marriage?
There are many novenas for marriage prayers to choose from when we want to do a novena for marriage. Some of the most popular and powerful novena prayers for married couples are:
– Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots: This novena asks the Virgin Mary to intercede and untie the knots in one’s marriage including misunderstandings, conflicts, and divisions. Mary as the untier of knots is a devotion that comes from Germany.
– St. Joseph Novena for Husbands and Wives: This Novena for Marriage asks St. Joseph to bless and protect marriages. St. Joseph is the patron saint of families.
– Novena to St. Raphael for Marriage: St. Raphael is the archangel associated with healing. This Novena for Marriage asks St. Raphael to heal wounds in marriages.
– Novena to St. Anne for Married Couples: St. Anne is the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. She is invoked for her powerful intercession for troubled marriages.
– Novena for Marriage Reconciliation: This novena is specifically focused on restoring broken marriages and relationships.
When praying a novena for marriage, it can be very meaningful for the couple to choose a prayer that resonates with them and speaks to their circumstances.
How do you pray a novena for marriage?
Here are some tips for praying an effective novena for marriage:
– Set aside 9 consecutive days to do the novena. Choose your start date thoughtfully and clear your schedule.
– Pick a novena prayer for marriage that you and your spouse connect with. You can pray together or individually.
– Create a sacred prayer space with symbols of your marriage and faith. Light candles each day as you pray.
– Really open your heart in humility as you pray the novena for marriage. Go beyond just reciting the words.
– Maintain faith and consistency in doing the 9 day novena for marriage. Don’t give up halfway. Trust God fully.
– Complement the novena for marriage with other spiritual practices like fasting, mass, confession, and Holy Communion.
– Journal during the novena for marriage to record reflections, insights, and any changes you observe.
– Stay open to messages from God during the novena for marriage. He may reveal areas to work on.
The power of the novena for marriage lies in persevering prayer with an open and believing heart. Approach it with reverence and devotion.
What is the novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots for marriage?
The novena for marriage to Our Lady Undoer of Knots is one of the most popular novena prayers for troubled marriages and couples in crisis. This novena for marriage has its origins in Germany in the 17th century. As the name suggests, this novena invokes Mary our Mother’s intercession to untie, undo or loosen the knots in one’s marriage. These knots are seen as blocks, bonds, and barriers that prevent harmony, intimacy, and understanding between husband and wife. Some examples are:
– Knots of miscommunication
– Knots of anger, resentment, and lack of forgiveness
– Knots of adultery or betrayal
– Knots of recurring conflict and arguments
– Knots of selfishness and putting oneself before the spouse
– Knots of distance, coldness, and lack of affection
– Knots of substance abuse or addiction
– Knots of ambition, career priorities over marriage
– Knots of unwillingness to seek or accept help
In praying this novena for 9 days, we ask Mary to gently undo these knots in our marriages and make our relationships whole again. We surrender the brokenness and pain to our Mother who can heal all hurts. This novena gives hope that nothing is impossible for God. No knot is too tangled for Him to untie.
What is the St. Anne novena for marriage?
The novena to St. Anne is a powerful novena prayer for troubled marriages and couples going through difficult times. St. Anne is the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She was married to St. Joachim and is a patron saint of married women, mothers, and families.
According to tradition, St. Anne struggled with infertility and prayed earnestly for many years before conceiving Mary by a miracle in her old age. She is understood as an intercessor for seemingly impossible causes. Her novena is significantly meaningful for couples dealing with issues like infertility, financial problems, infidelities, communication issues, stagnated relationships, and any aspect causing heartache in marriage.
The St. Anne novena asks her to intercede with her grandson Jesus, to help heal, restore, and strengthen struggling marriages. She is invoked as a powerful and compassionate grandmother figure who will speak to Jesus on behalf of couples seeking mercy and grace. Doing this 9 day novena helps us have faith that with God, our marriages can be renewed just as Anne and Joachim’s marriage was miraculously blessed with a child.
What is the novena for marriage reconciliation?
The novena for marriage reconciliation is prayed when a married couple has separated or divorced and at least one spouse desires to save and mend the marriage. This novena prayer asks God to soften hardened hearts, open channels for communication, grant wisdom and humility, and ultimately bring about reunion and restoration of the marriage.
Some of the intentions and themes included in a novena for reconciliation of marriage are:
– Prayer for openness, change of heart, and willingness in both spouses to save the marriage
– Healing of emotional wounds, anger, hurt, and release of past grievances
– Restoration of trust, respect, understanding, intimacy, and friendship in the marriage
– Help to let go of pride, ego and self-righteousness
– Discernment of root issues and changes needed from each spouse for reconciliation
– Strengthening commitment to remain faithful and fight for the marriage
– Invoking protection from divorce, adultery, faltering commitment
– Renewing love, passion, romance, and excitement for the marriage
– Guidance and revelation from the Holy Spirit on the next steps
Praying a novena for 9 days can open up graces and blessings from God to revive a dying marriage. Coupled with counseling and effort from both spouses, reconciliation is possible even when it seems impossible. Miracles happen every day!
What is the novena for married couples in crisis?
Married couples facing crisis situations in their relationship can pray a Novena for Marriage prayer for strength, guidance, and perseverance. Some marital crises that call for intense prayer are:
– Infidelity, betrayal, pornography addiction
– Substance abuse and addiction issues
– Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
– Financial strains causing constant fighting
– Depression, mental illness, trauma, PTSD
– Infertility, miscarriages, reproductive issues
– Life transitions like job loss, major illness, death of a child
– Connectivity issues like lack of intimacy, constant bickering
– One spouse wanting divorce, abandonment
– Growing apart, disconnecting, lack of friendship
The Novena for Marriage for married couples in crisis asks God for the graces needed to withstand the upheaval of marital storms. It seeks divine intervention to heal wounds, restore love and encourage reconciliation. Most of all, it invokes God’s mercy and strength so the marriage is saved rather than become another divorce statistic. Partners feel empowered to keep fighting for the sacrament of marriage.
What is a good catholic pilgrimage to go on when you want to pray a novena for marriage?
Going on a faith-based pilgrimage can be very powerful when praying a novena for marriage. Special graces and blessings can be gained by going on pilgrimage together as a couple. Here are some popular Catholic pilgrimages for marriage:
– Holy Land pilgrimage – Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel for an unforgettable spiritual experience. Pray together in sacred places like Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Jericho, Cana, and the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem.
– Rome and Vatican City – Take a couples’ pilgrimage to the Eternal City. Attend a Papal audience, see Vatican museums, pray at St. Peter’s tomb, and visit major basilicas and relics of saints.
– Marian pilgrimages to Lourdes, Fatima, and Medjugorje – Pray novenas together at these holy Marian shrines for healing and grace. Bathe in healing waters, attend apparition hill masses, and go to confession.
– Santiago de Compostela – Hike together on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela through scenic Spain. Bond with other pilgrims along the way.
– Shrines of saints like St. Francis, St. Anthony, and St. Teresa – Pray to patron saints of marriage and families at their shrine cities Assisi, Padua, and Avila. Gain their powerful heavenly intercession.
Embarking on a pilgrimage is a special way to ignite faith and devotion in your marriage. It kickstarts the Novena for Marriage prayers with deeper meaning and commemoration.
What saints are there to see there?
When couples go on Catholic marriage pilgrimages, they have the opportunity to seek intercession and learn about holy saints who can become their spiritual role models. Popular saint encounters on marriage pilgrimages include:
– Holy Family – Jesus, Mary & Joseph (Bethlehem, Nazareth, Egypt)
– St. Peter and St. Paul (Rome)
– St. Valentine (Rome)
– St. Rita (Cascia, Italy)
– St. Catherine of Siena (Siena, Italy)
– St. Elizabeth of Portugal (Coimbra, Portugal)
– St. Monica (Rome, Ostia)
– St. Francis (Assisi, Italy)
– St. Clare (Assisi, Italy)
– St. Catherine of Alexandria (Mt. Sinai, Egypt)
– St. James (Santiago de Compostela)
– St. Bridget (Rome)
– St. John Paul II (Rome, Krakow)
Learning about these holy men and women who lived exemplary married/religious lives gives us beautiful role models to take inspiration from. Their lives, relics, and shrines impart grace. We return home with special heavenly friends cheering us on.
Making travel arrangements for my pilgrimage
Once you and your spouse have decided to embark on a Catholic marriage pilgrimage together, careful planning and preparation help ensure everything goes smoothly from start to finish.
First, set your ideal travel dates accounting for seasonality, weather, crowds, costs, and your personal schedules. Make sure the dates work with demanding factors like kids’ school calendar, your paid vacation days from work, and previous commitments. It’s worthwhile to have flexibility if your first choice doesn’t align perfectly.
Research airfares thoroughly to get the best deals on flights to your chosen destinations. Consider direct flights versus connections, airport proximity, airline baggage fees, and policies. Book early to lock in savings. Obtain travel insurance covering trip cancellation or interruption in case anything impedes your original plans.
Some international destinations may require tourist visas which can take weeks or months to process. Don’t let this trip you up – verify visa requirements and apply as far in advance as possible.
Choosing the right hotels, hostels or other accommodations matters too. Look for places centrally located near the pilgrimage sites you want to visit daily. Read reviews, amenities, and policies. Try to find comfortable lodging within your target budget. A reserve once you select hotels.
Figuring out getting around each place is key. Will you take trains, buses, rental cars, or organized tour transportation? What offers the best convenience, value, and flexibility for your itinerary? Make decisions early and book group tours or tickets for major travel segments ahead of time.
Be strategic in what you pack, only bringing essentials plus a few smart extras that improve the journey. Create thorough checklists so you don’t forget important items or overpack nonessentials. Travel light.
Before departing, exchange some currency for the local monies of the countries you will visit. This saves the hassle of finding exchanges immediately and lets you have cash in hand.
Carefully reconfirm all your trip reservations as departure nears – hotels, flights, tours, etc. Verify no last minute changes or cancellations throw you off. Share detailed daily itineraries and emergency contacts with family or friends who may need to reach you.
Finally, spend time in prayer together beforehand asking God to bless your travels, guide you to holy places and saints, and strengthen your marriage on the journey. With thorough planning and God’s grace, your pilgrimage will bear spiritual fruits to last a lifetime.
I have traveled all over. I have traveled to many places, including America, Scotland, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and the entire State of Israel. I’m going to Turkey very soon.
All aspects of travel are familiar to me. In order to help you get ready for your holiday, I’ve given you a few simple tools.
Time to pack your bags! 🙂
How can praying a novena for marriage help me to become a saint?
Praying a nine day Novena for Marriage is a powerful pathway for both husband and wife to grow in holiness together. As we persist in focused prayer over the course of the Novena for Marriage, we open ourselves to profound transformation through God’s grace.
The effort of persevering through a nine day prayer commitment develops tenacity and patience to withstand the inevitable trials of married life. We gain the courage to face difficulties rather than run from them, trusting God will bring us through stronger. The Novena for Marriage instills humility, reminding us we cannot control everything but must rely on the Lord.
Making small sacrifices like fasting or giving up comforts during the Novena for Marriage teaches us to offer things up to sanctify our marriage. We detach from worldly things and purify our desires.
As we pray the Novena for Marriage, we beg God to soften rigid hearts and let go of stubborn pride or ego that harms our bond. We admit our faults and yield to His wisdom over our own.
The Novena for Marriage provides an opportunity to practice unconditional forgiveness when past hurts, betrayal, or resentment flare up. We ask healing of wounds.
Praying together impels us to treat our spouse with greater affection, patience, empathy, and understanding. We let go of anger and approach issues gently.
God often inspires exciting new dreams and goals for our marriage and family as we pray the Novena for Marriage with open hearts. Our eyes are opened to new possibilities.
Walking through current trials hand in hand, the Novena for Marriage prayer allows God to deepen our character and relationship. We grow through the storm.
The Novena for Marriage reminds us to live out our marriage vows with fresh purpose, cherish our family, and give selflessly without expecting a return.
Sincerely praying realigns our priorities around Christ as the center of our marriage. We follow His example and model our love after divine love.
Finally, the novena for marriage transforms us into witnesses who can evangelize other couples based on our own story of renewal. We are called to be light in the darkness.
As we embrace the novena for marriage with faith and fortitude together, we journey down the path of sanctification – becoming the saintly husbands and wives God created us to be.
Are You Inspired?
Do you find the teachings we’ve learned about the Novena for Marriage to be inspiring or motivating? Saints’ biographies provide for engaging reading and conversation. It has a great chance of producing spiritual fruit in our lives.
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These motivational tales can even convince them to accompany you to church. Better yet, you might be able to share the Gospel with them. Everyone has sinned and falls short of God’s glory, according to Romans 3:23. As a result, everyone requires a Savior.
God sent His one and only son to fulfill the requirements of the law as part of the provision He made for us to inherit eternal life with him. Rom. 4:15-16
In order to provide the ultimate atonement for our sins, Jesus had to come to Earth, live a sinless life, and die. The Bible states it this way…
“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”
– Hebrews 9:22
Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial were not the conclusion of the narrative. No, He resurrected himself! He promises to bring us back to life once we die because He is alive. He eventually defeated sin and death. Hallelujah!
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Are you free to read about another saint now that you’ve read the Novena for Marriage?
Why not look into:
- How to Pray the “Miracle Prayer to Find a Husband” – 12 Tips on Heartbreak to Happiness
- “Novena to St Francis”: 9 Facts on How to Unlock the Life-Changing Power of the Novena to St Francis
- “St Anthony Prayer Novena” – 15 Top Facts to Unlock Heaven’s Protection with St Anthony
- Feel Christ’s Presence With the “St Kateri Tekakwitha Prayer” – Our Top 15 Facts & Exclusive Guide
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I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!
God bless you,