St. Anselm

Discovering the Ultimate Truth with St. Anselm: 15 Points On A Journey of Enlightenment

Discovering the Ultimate Truth with St. Anselm: 15 Points On A Journey of Enlightenment

St. Anselm is one of the greatest thinkers in Church history and of all time.  St. Anselm contributed so much to one of my favorite topics which is arguments for the existence of God.
As I sit here contemplating the impact of St. Anselm, my heart is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to delve deeper into the life and legacy of this beloved saint with you.
Join me as we embark on a journey through time, exploring the remarkable achievements and profound contributions of St. Anselm.
St. Anselm
St. Anselm

Who was St Anselm?

St. Anselm was a medieval theologian and philosopher who lived from 1033 to 1109. He is considered one of the greatest thinkers of his time and is known for his contributions to both philosophy and theology.

St. Anselm was born in Aosta, Italy, and later became the Archbishop of Canterbury in England. His ontological defense of God’s existence, which is still studied and discussed by theologians and philosophers today, is possibly his most famous contribution. This argument states that God must exist because the very concept of God implies existence.

But St. Anselm was much more than just a philosopher. He was a theologian as well, and his writings on the character of God and the bond between him and humans continue to have an impact on people today. One of his most famous works is his book “Cur Deus Homo,” which means “Why God Became Man.” In this book, St. Anselm explores the idea of the incarnation, or the belief that God became human in the form of Jesus Christ.

What was Saint Anselm known for?

St. Anselm was also known for his contributions to the development of scholasticism, which was a medieval movement that sought to reconcile faith and reason. He believed that faith and reason were not in opposition to each other, but rather complemented each other, and that the pursuit of knowledge was essential to a deeper understanding of God.

In addition to his philosophical and theological contributions, St. Anselm was also known for his personal piety and devotion to God. He was known for his humble and gentle spirit and his commitment to a life of prayer and contemplation.

St. Anselm was a remarkable figure in medieval history who made significant contributions to both philosophy and theology. He is remembered for his ontological argument for the existence of God, his exploration of the incarnation, and his belief in the compatibility of faith and reason. But perhaps more than anything else, St. Anselm is remembered for his personal piety and devotion to God, which continue to inspire people today.

Why was Saint Anselm important?

The evolution of Christian philosophy is what made him famous as a theologian and philosopher during the 11th century. St. Anselm’s importance lies in his ability to reconcile faith and reason, and his work has had a lasting impact on the Christian church.

One of the most important contributions of St. Anselm was his belief in the existence of God. He developed the famous ontological argument, which states that the very concept of God implies his existence. This argument has been studied and debated by philosophers for centuries and is still considered an important contribution to the philosophy of religion.

What does St Anselm believe about Jesus?

St. Anselm was also known for his views on the nature of Jesus. He believed that Jesus was both fully God and fully human. This concept, known as the hypostatic union, was a controversial one in St. Anselm’s time, but his work on the subject helped to establish it as a fundamental belief of Christianity.

St. Anselm’s views on Jesus were rooted in his understanding of the nature of sin and redemption. He believed that sin was a debt owed to God, and that only a perfect being could pay that debt. Since humans were imperfect, they could not pay the debt themselves. Jesus, as both fully God and fully human, was the only one who could pay the debt and redeem humanity.

St. Anselm’s work on the nature of Jesus and the hypostatic union helped to establish the orthodox view of Jesus that is still held by many Christians today. His emphasis on reason and the importance of understanding the nature of God and Jesus have had a lasting impact on Christian theology.

St. Anselm was an important figure in the history of Christianity. His contributions to the development of Christian thought, including his belief in the existence of God and his views on the nature of Jesus, continue to influence Christian theology today. His emphasis on reason and the importance of understanding the nature of God and Jesus have helped to shape the orthodox views of Christianity.

St. Anselm
St. Anselm

What did Anselm call God?

St. Anselm was a medieval theologian and philosopher who had a profound impact on the development of Christian thought. One of the key aspects of his thinking was his conception of God. St. Anselm believed that God was the ultimate reality and the source of all goodness and truth. He referred to God as “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.”

For St. Anselm, God was not simply a concept or an idea, but a living reality that could be experienced through faith and contemplation. He believed that the human mind was capable of grasping something of the divine nature of God, and that this understanding could lead to a deeper relationship with God.

What does Anselm believe God is?

St. Anselm’s view of God was deeply rooted in his understanding of the nature of existence. He believed that existence was a necessary attribute of God, because without existence, God could not be the ultimate reality. St. Anselm argued that God’s existence was not dependent on anything else, but rather was self-evident and necessary.

In addition to his conception of God’s nature, St. Anselm also had a strong belief in the importance of faith and reason. He believed that faith was necessary to truly understand God, but that reason could also be used to explore the nature of God and to deepen our understanding of him.

St. Anselm’s conception of God as “that than which nothing greater can be conceived” has had a profound impact on the development of Christian theology. His emphasis on the importance of faith and reason, and his belief in the self-evident existence of God, continue to shape Christian thought today.

What are the 3 main arguments for the existence of God?

The 11th-century theologian and philosopher Anselm is most remembered for his contributions to the growth of Christian thinking. One of his most famous contributions was his development of the ontological argument for the existence of God. This argument is one of three main arguments for the existence of God.

The first main argument for the existence of God is the cosmological argument. This argument states that everything in the world has a cause, and that there must be a first cause that started everything. This first cause is what we call God.

The second main argument is the teleological argument. This argument states that everything in the world has a purpose, and that there must be an intelligent designer who created everything with a purpose. This intelligent designer is what we call God.

Finally, the third main argument is the ontological argument. This argument states that God’s existence can be deduced from the very concept of God itself. St. Anselm developed this argument, which is based on the idea that God is “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.” St. Anselm argued that if we can conceive of God, then God must exist in reality. This is because existence is a necessary attribute of the greatest possible being.

If God did not exist, then he would not be the greatest possible being, which contradicts the very concept of God.

What is an ontological argument for God?

The ontological argument has been debated by philosophers for centuries, and many objections have been raised against it. Some argue that the argument is circular, or that it relies on an incomplete understanding of the nature of existence.

However, the ontological argument remains an important contribution to the philosophy of religion, and St. Anselm’s work on the argument has had a lasting impact on Christian theology.

Upon what did St. Anselm want Christianity to focus?

St. Anselm was a Benedictine monk and philosopher who lived in the eleventh century. His thoughts on the essence of God and the connection between faith and reason have made him one of the most important theologians in Christian history.

One of the central ideas that St. Anselm wanted Christianity to focus on was the concept of faith seeking understanding.

He believed that faith and reason were complementary and that it was important for Christians to use their God-given intellects to deepen their understanding of the divine.

St. Anselm
St. Anselm

What Argument for the Existence of God is most associated with St. Anselm?

The ontological defense of God’s existence, one of the most well-known defenses in philosophical history, is closely linked to Anselm. This argument is based on the idea that God is the most perfect being that can be conceived. St. Anselm argued that if we can conceive of such a being, then it must necessarily exist, since existence is a necessary attribute of perfection. This argument has been debated by philosophers for centuries, but it remains an important contribution to the philosophy of religion.

St. Anselm’s emphasis on the importance of faith and reason and his development of the ontological argument have had a lasting impact on Christian theology and philosophy. He believed that it was possible to use reason to deepen one’s faith, and that this was an essential part of the Christian life.

Additionally, his work on the ontological argument has inspired many philosophers to explore the relationship between logic and faith, and to seek a deeper understanding of the nature of God.

St. Anselm was a visionary thinker who wanted Christianity to focus on the relationship between faith and reason. He believed that reason was an important tool for deepening one’s faith, and he developed the ontological argument for the existence of God, which remains an important contribution to the philosophy of religion.

What does St. Thomas Aquinas think is wrong with Anselm’s argument?

St. Anselm was a remarkable figure in Christian history, but even the most influential thinkers are not immune to criticism. St. Thomas Aquinas, a renowned theologian and philosopher who also lived in the thirteenth century, was among St. Anselm’s most outspoken detractors of his ontological proof of God’s existence.

Aquinas believed that there were serious flaws in Anselm’s argument. One of the main issues he had with it was that it relied on the idea that existence is a necessary attribute of perfection. Aquinas argued that this was not necessarily true, and that it was possible to conceive of a perfect being without assuming that it necessarily exists.

In addition to his philosophical work, St. Anselm was also a prominent churchman. He served as Archbishop of Canterbury for many years and was involved in several important ecclesiastical debates. Unfortunately, his later years were marred by controversy and conflict, as he became embroiled in a power struggle with King William II of England.

St. Anselm
St. Anselmafter Unknown artist, line engraving, late 16th century

How did St. Anselm die?

St. Anselm died in 1109 at the age of 76. He was buried in Canterbury Cathedral, where his tomb can still be seen today. Despite the controversies that surrounded him, he is remembered as one of the most important figures in Christian history, and his ideas continue to inspire theologians and philosophers to this day.

Where is St. Anselm buried?

St. Anselm’s legacy lives on, not just in his theological and philosophical writings but also in the physical space where he is buried. His tomb can be found in Canterbury Cathedral, located in the city of Canterbury in southeastern England.

St. Anselm
St. Anselm CC

Visiting Canterbury Cathedral can be a moving experience for anyone interested in Christian history and spirituality. The cathedral is a stunning example of medieval architecture and has been a site of pilgrimage for centuries. It is also home to many important relics and artifacts, including St. Anselm’s tomb.

How do I make a pilgrimage to see St Anselm?

To make a pilgrimage to see St. Anselm’s tomb, one would first need to travel to Canterbury. The city is easily accessible by train from London and other major cities in England. Visitors can travel to the cathedral, which is situated in the center of Canterbury, once they arrive.

Upon entering the cathedral, visitors will find St. Anselm’s tomb in the nave, near the choir screen. The tomb is a simple stone structure with an inscription in Latin that reads, “Here lies Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, who held the see from 1093 to 1109.”

In addition to visiting St. Anselm’s tomb, there is much to see and do in Canterbury Cathedral. Visitors can attend services, take guided tours, and explore the many chapels and shrines within the cathedral. There are also several nearby attractions, such as the ruins of St. Augustine’s Abbey and the Canterbury Roman Museum.

visiting St. Anselm’s burial site can be a profound experience for anyone interested in Christian history and spirituality. Canterbury Cathedral is a remarkable example of medieval architecture and a site of pilgrimage for people from all over the world. Seeing St. Anselm’s tomb can provide a powerful connection to the past and a reminder of the enduring legacy of this remarkable thinker and churchman.

Making Travel Arrangements to see St. Anselm and other English Saints

I enjoy traveling, and I believe that going on a pilgrimage to see the saints can eternally educate your mind and heart.

I’ve visited tons of countries in the world. America, Scotland, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and all of Israel are among the countries that I’ve been fortunate enough to see. Soon, I’ll be traveling to Turkey!

I’m aware of the possible travel requirements you could have. Check out these links as you get ready for your pilgrimage:

  1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
  2. A Car Rental
  3. Taxi Drivers
  4. Bus or Train Tickets
  5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
  6. Fun Events for Your Journey
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Phone for Traveling


The rest is just praying, researching, and packing your bags! 🙂

What other saints are buried near southeastern England?

While St. Anselm’s tomb in Canterbury Cathedral is certainly a highlight for those interested in Christian history and spirituality, there are other important burial sites of saints in the southeastern region of England.

One such site is the Shrine of St. Thomas Becket, also located in Canterbury Cathedral. Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th century and was murdered by knights of King Henry II in 1170. His shrine became a site of pilgrimage and was the destination of Chaucer’s famous Canterbury Tales. Though the shrine was destroyed during the Reformation, its ruins can still be visited within the cathedral.

Another important site is the Shrine of St. Jude, located in the town of Faversham. St. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases and is venerated by many around the world. The shrine in Faversham has been a site of pilgrimage since the 19th century and continues to draw visitors seeking comfort and healing.

In addition to these saints, there are many other holy men and women who have been buried in southeastern England throughout the centuries. Visiting these sites can provide a deeper connection to the rich spiritual history of the region.

What is Anselm’s prayer?

One prayer that St. Anselm is known for is his “Prayer to St. Paul.” In this prayer, Anselm asks for St. Paul’s intercession and guidance in his own spiritual journey. The prayer reads in part:

“O holy Apostle Paul, intercede for me that I may have a heart filled with the love of God. May your words and example inspire me to greater faith and devotion. Help me to follow in your footsteps and to embrace the suffering that comes with true discipleship. Amen.”

This prayer is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking the intercession of the saints and of the ongoing influence of St. Paul and St. Anselm in the lives of Christians around the world.

Faith Focused Dating Paul and Regina

Are You Inspired?

Did today’s lessons provide you with any inspiration? I genuinely appreciate studying and discussing the lives of the saints.

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St. Anselm
St. Anselm

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Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

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