The Thrilling Truth About the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer You Need to Know

The Thrilling Truth About the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer You Need to Know

The 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer is a powerful devotion that invokes this great archangel’s spiritual protection and intercession. Through praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer, we can connect intimately with the virtues and strength associated with this defender against evil and our guide to the heavenly reward. St. Michael has long been revered in Catholic tradition for the key roles he plays in salvation history and spiritual warfare against the fallen angels.

When we pray the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer devotion, we are calling upon his aid in our daily struggles and asking that he help make us worthy of joining him one day in paradise through living a virtuous life. By meditating on the 7 swords representing virtues like humility, courage, justice and charity, we open ourselves more fully to St. Michael’s guidance in embodying those virtues that draw us closer to our Creator.

The path of the spiritual life brings inevitable trials and adversities as it leads us heavenward. Yet with St. Michael on our side intervening for us through devout prayer of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer, we walk that path with strong armor and fortification against all the snares and temptations aiming to divert us.

My hope is that through this blog, many will gain a deeper appreciation for the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer and feel inspired to make it a more integral part of their relationship with this powerful ally in getting to our true home.

7 Swords of St Michael Prayer
7 Swords of St Michael Prayer

What are the 7 swords of St. Michael?

The 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer is a treasured devotion in the Church that calls upon the spiritual protection and intercession of the mighty archangel St. Michael. In this 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer, each of 7 swords represents a particular virtue or spiritual weapon that St. Michael assists us in developing. Let’s explore the beautiful symbolism and meaning found in the 7 swords.

The first sword represents the virtue of humility. St. Michael helps us become aware of our human limitations and total reliance on God, which cuts away harmful pride and vanity. The second sword signifies the light of prudence, enabling us to clearly discern right from wrong and make wise choices aligned with God’s will. What a blessing the second sword is!

With the third sword, we receive the gift of patience in bearing our crosses and trials in life just as Jesus bore His cross. This patience in suffering cuts away anger, resentment, and despair. The fourth sword grants us justice, so we may treat all people with dignity, fairness, and righteousness in a way that honors God.

The fifth sword is a sword of true charity and divine love, empowering us to serve others with generosity and compassion. The sixth sword stands for the virtue of temperance, helping us exercise moderation and self-control over destructive temptations of the flesh.

Finally, the seventh sword represents courage and fortitude, providing strength to stand firm against all the forces of evil we face, unafraid and persevering. Together, the 7 swords allow the virtues to prevail in the spiritual combat.

What is the origin and history of the 7 swords prayer?

Devotions to St. Michael have long been an important part of Church tradition since Michael is known as the great defender against the powers of hell. Prayers invoking his aid and referring to his sword are found in liturgical texts dating back many centuries. In the 19th century, St. Michael reportedly appeared on several occasions to emphasize the importance of honor to his 7 swords.

One appearance was to an Italian nun, Antonia d’Oria, in 1898. St. Michael instructed her to spread devotion to his 7 swords, which came to be known as the Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel. Around the same time period, St. Michael also appeared in Gargano, Italy, asking that special honor be given to his 7 swords. Through these apparitions, use of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer became very popular.

Though the exact origins of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer cannot be pinpointed, it clearly arose from the Church’s venerable tradition of seeking St. Michael’s assistance against evil. And devotion to the 7 swords was certainly spread far and wide as a result of St. Michael’s reported 19th century apparitions encouraging honor to them. This special 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer endures today as a treasure.

Faith Focused Dating Paul and Regina

What are the 7 virtues associated with each sword?

The 7 swords correspond to these heavenly virtues:

1. Humility
2. Prudence
3. Patience
4. Justice
5. Charity
6. Temperance
7. Fortitude

Humility grounds us in truthful self-knowledge and reliance on God, rather than pride. Prudence grants discernment between right and wrong. Patience helps us persevere through hardship and pain. Justice focuses us on righteousness and fairness.

Charity perfects us in selfless love. Temperance gives control over disordered passions that can rule the heart. Fortitude steadies us to withstand temptation and face spiritual battle. Each virtue equips us further to follow Christ and oppose the devil’s snares.

What is the full text of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer?

Here is the traditional full text of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer:

“O glorious Prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil, who turn to you with confidence and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ, that we may be made worthy of His promises.

Almighty and Everlasting God, Who, by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, has appointed the most glorious Archangel St. Michael Prince of Your Church, make us worthy, we ask You, to be delivered from all our enemies, that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into Your Presence. This we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The seven swords represent the virtues of humility, prudence, patience, justice, charity, temperance, and fortitude. Grant that we may overcome all vice and grow in these heavenly virtues, so as to follow Christ more perfectly and serve you more faithfully. We ask this through the intercession of St. Michael and by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the honor of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

7 Swords of St Michael Prayer
7 Swords of St Michael Prayer

How and when is the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer used?

There are various times and ways this devotion can be prayed:

– After attending Mass, especially on Tuesdays or Michaelmas (Sept. 29th)

– As part of other St. Michael devotions like the chaplet

– During Adoration or visits to the Blessed Sacrament

– Included in Morning & Night Prayers

– Before spiritual reading or lectio divina

– When struggling with temptation or difficulties

– On pilgrimages associated with St. Michael

– As a novena, such as before September 29th

– For discernment and clarity amid decisions

– For protection when anticipating spiritual warfare

The 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer connects us to St. Michael’s ready protection and intercession whenever or wherever it is prayed devotedly.

What are the spiritual benefits and promises associated with praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer?

Regular heartfelt prayer to the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer can provide many spiritual benefits and graces. Some promises associated with this devotion include:

– Growth in virtues that bring us closer to God and increase in holiness

– Strength to resist sin and temptation’s enticements

– St. Michael’s protection and defense against evil of all forms

– Inspiration to align our will with God’s will

– Greater spiritual discernment of truth from deception

– Perseverance in faith during times of adversity or suffering

– Experience of deep peace even amid turmoil

– Overcoming fears and doubt in living out our faith

– Ability to feel St. Michael’s presence and guidance

– Fortitude to carry out our vocations despite difficulties

– Triumph at the hour of death and escort into heavenly reward

The 7 swords call down St. Michael’s unmatched heavenly help to live in righteousness and spiritual victory.

How can the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer provide protection and aid in spiritual warfare?

Praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer invokes St. Michael’s powerful assistance in daily spiritual warfare against evil:

– St. Michael protects us from demonic influences seeking access to our minds and hearts

– Visualizing the 7 swords descending cuts through the darkness to dispel evil machinations

– Developing the associated virtues heals wounds of sin to remove footholds of weakness

– Courage, discernment and perseverance are strengthened to reject enemy lies, avoid sin, and stand fast

– Patience in suffering diminishes the devil’s opportunities to induce bitterness or despair

– Humility provides clarity to remain anchored in God’s grace and reject pride

– Uniting our prayers to St. Michael’s magnifies their intercessory power and efficacy

– Even practicing just one of the 7 virtues shifts momentum toward goodness

– Consistency in praying this devotion conditions us to respond to evil with supernatural virtue

By repeatedly calling on St. Michael through the 7 swords, we fortify our spiritual defenses and align ourselves closely with the divine commission and virtues personified by this mighty archangel.

7 Swords of St Michael Prayer
7 Swords of St Michael Prayer

What are some tips for praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer effectively?

Here are some suggestions for making this prayer more meaningful and fruitful:

– Find a quiet space to slowly and thoughtfully meditate on each sword

– Reflect on associated Scripture verses about the virtues

– Journal to track spiritual progress and areas needing improvement

– Use sacramentals like holy water, blessed salt, and St. Michael image

– Repeat relevant swords and virtues customized to your needs

– Visualize St. Michael radiantly working in your life as you pray

– Recite with sincere faith and attention, believing in its power

– Pair with fasting or other sacrifices to magnify intentions

– Persevere regularly over time for greatest effectiveness

– Share experiences of this devotion to inspire others

Praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer with devotion and purpose allows St. Michael to more powerfully intercede.

How can I incorporate the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer into my spiritual life?

There are many ways we can make the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer a more integral part of our regular spiritual practices and habits:

– Recite it after Mass or visits to the Eucharist in Adoration

– Pray it together as a family, calling on St. Michael’s intercession and protection of the home

– Use it in times set aside for devotions or communal rosaries

– Include it in morning and evening prayers

– Read about the virtues associated with each sword during spiritual reading time

– Meditate on a different sword each day of the week

– Call on specific swords related to current spiritual battles or discernment

– Connect the prayer to other sacramentals like holy water, blessed salt, or exorcism prayers

– Keep a copy of the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer text or chart in a frequently viewed place

– Ask St. Michael through this devotion to guide and enlighten Lenten sacrifices

We can customize this devotion to augment our unique spiritual needs, while trusting St. Michael to powerfully intercede.

The 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer devotion provides a channel of grace, virtue, and protection that can profoundly shape our journey toward sanctity. By persistently praying it with faith, we walk boldly along that path with St. Michael defending and enlightening our way.

How can I make a Catholic Pilgrimage to honor Saint Michael?

Going on pilgrimage is a time-honored tradition in our faith for deepening devotion to the saints and angels. There are many sites around the world associated with apparitions and miracles of St. Michael that make perfect destinations for a prayerful journey in his honor. Some top pilgrimage places to consider are:

– Mont Saint-Michel in France – This ancient abbey dedicated to St. Michael majestically rises over the sea and draws hundreds of thousands annually.

– Monte Sant’Angelo in Italy – One of the key shrines of Western Christendom, where St. Michael appeared in a grotto.

– St. Michael’s Mount in England – Pilgrims have journeyed to this tiny tidal island for over a thousand years.

– Skellig Michael in Ireland – Though hard to reach, this remote monk’s island with historic hermitages draws the dedicated.

– San Miguel del Milagro in Mexico – This shrine sees massive pilgrim crowds for the feast of St. Michael.

– St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Massachusetts – Site of St. Michael appearances to a young girl.

I’ve traveled widely. I’ve visited several places, including the United States, Scotland, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, The Vatican, Switzerland, France, Milan, and all of Israel. Soon, I’ll be in Turkey.

I’m well-versed in many elements of travel. I’ve provided you with a few simple tools to utilize as you prepare for your holiday.

    1. Find cheap flights for your journey HERE 
    2. A Car Rental
    3. Taxi Drivers
    4. Bus or Train Tickets
    5. Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Trip HERE
    6. Fun Events for Your Journey
    7. Travel Insurance
  1. Phone for Traveling


Time to pack your bags! 🙂

Making travel arrangements to honor Saint Michael

Once you decide on a pilgrimage destination, there are ways to plan travel arrangements that enhance the spiritual fruits:

– Seek out pilgrimage tour groups specifically for Catholics rather than secular tours.

– Book flights and hotels early, then dedicate remaining resources to donations and prayer books.

– Consider walking part of the journey if safely feasible, in the tradition of pilgrims.

– Arrange Mass times at the shrine or other churches along the way.

– Purchase religious artifacts associated with St. Michael like prayer cards, medals or statue.

– Learn about ascetical practices like fasting done traditionally by pilgrims.

– Prepare well but remain flexible – pilgrimage rarely follows expectations!

How can praying the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer help to make me a saint?

Sainthood is achieved by relentlessly striving to grow in virtues that perfect us in the love of God and neighbor. Praying the 7 swords devotion invokes St. Michael’s mighty assistance in developing those very virtues that enable our progress toward sanctity.

When prayed consistently and attentively, the 7 swords open channels of grace to:

– Grow in humility, prudence, patience, justice, charity, temperance, and courage

– Overcome vices that entrap the soul like pride, envy, lust, sloth, greed, gluttony, wrath

– Discern truth and align our will to God’s perfect will.

– Persevere in faith, hope and love despite adversities and sufferings.

– Love others with supernatural charity through service and sacrifice.

– Detach from disordered attachments to created things.

– Resist the enemy’s temptations and stand firm in spiritual battle.

By repeated pleas for St. Michael’s intercession and modeling of virtues, we are fortified on the steep but rewarding climb to sanctity.

Are You Inspired?

What we’ve learned about the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer has it inspired or motivated you in any way? It’s interesting to read and talk about saint biographies. There is a good chance that it will benefit us spiritually.

Would you like to present a brief overview of the saints to your family? Why not buy one of these fantastic shirts I made especially for you? To seek up your favorite notable saints, use the search bar at the top of this website. By citing from the lives of your favorite well-known saints, you can answer anyone who questions the meaning of your dress.

They might even agree to go to church with you after hearing these inspiring stories. If you can introduce them to the saving message of the Gospel, it would be much better. Do you know the Gospel? Here it is…

Because we are all sinners and need a Savior, God sent His one and only son to fulfill the requirements of the law as part of the provision He made for us to inherit eternal life with Him in heaven. Rom. 4:15-16

In order to provide the ultimate atonement for our sins, Jesus had to come to Earth, live a sinless life, and die. The Bible states it this way…

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”

– Hebrews 9:22

Jesus’ death, crucifixion, and burial were not the conclusion of the narrative. No, He arose from the dead by Himself! He promises to bring us back to life once we die because He is alive. In the end, he triumphed over both sin and death. Hallelujah! Once you’ve shared this life saving message of the Gospel with your friends and family, invite them to the RCIA session at your nearby Catholic church.

Have you ever thought about reading more about the Saint of the Day on our website after reading about this 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer? Please spend a moment signing up if you’d want to receive my daily saint emails in your inbox. I’ll keep it short since I know you have a lot on your plate, but I’ll say more because I want you to learn something from me and constantly aspire to be better.

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St Raphael Prayer for Singles
7 Swords of St Michael Prayer

Are you free to read about another saint now that you’ve read the 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer?

Why not look into:

Have you ever considered revisiting our website every day to learn more about the Saint of the Day after reading about this 7 Swords of St Michael Prayer? If you’d like to receive my daily saint emails in your inbox, kindly take a moment to join up. Since I realize you have a lot on your plate, I’ll keep it brief, but I’ll say more because I want you to take something away from me and continually strive to be better.

As a gift, I’ll send you a Mother Mary printable that you may display at your residence or place of business. As soon as you submit the form, I’ll send you an email with a link to download it.



Well, that’s all for today.

I’ll see you back tomorrow with another Saint of the Day to inspire you!

God bless you,


Priscilla McNabb

Advent promotion

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